- 2024 Conference of Presidents
- About
- Back issues
- Back-to-School with WELCA
- Blog
- Bold Women’s Day
- Breakfast for first time attendees
- Budget Hearing Information
- Campus
- Contact
- Convention Information
- CWO Executive Board page
- Digital VBS for adults
- Donate
- Eleventh Triennial Convention
- Eleventh Triennial Convention news
- Executive board meeting | April 2023
- Executive board meeting | April 2024
- Executive board meeting | November 2024
- Executive board meeting | October 2023
- Executive board meeting | October 2024
- Executive Committee | August 2023
- Executive Committee Meeting Exhibit | Oct. 18 2024
- Exploratory committee
- Faithful Friends
- Faithful Friends | Donor reception
- Faithful friends postcard
- faithfulfriendsonline
- For such a time as this
- Form for Motions and Resolutions
- Gift Planning
- give
- Giving Day Intentions for Katie’s Fund
- Guidelines
- Hello, it’s nice to meet you!
- Home
- How to help
- It’s a secret
- Join us for a party!
- Just Love
- Just Love Gathering App!
- Justice NEW
- Katie’s Fund
- Katie’s Fund Recipients
- Living faithful: Called and Thriving
- Locations
- Logo Licensing Agreement
- Ministry & Action
- New Triennial Event Page
- Inkind Gifts
- Just Love: A virtual preview
- Learning opportunities
- Learning opportunities 2
- Learning opportunities 3
- Learning opportunities 4
- New Triannual Event Interior
- Run, Walk and Roll
- Schedule at a glance
- Share the love
- Speakers
- Speakers
- Speakers 3
- Speakers 4
- Speakers 5
- Speakers 6
- Thank you to our sponsors
- Tours
- Nominations
- Nominations From the Floor
- Offering taken at the Service of Holy Communion (TC2023)
- Order Thankoffering envelopes
- Photos
- Pivot
- Potential donors
- President Voting Member
- Privacy Policy
- Publications
- Questionnaire for the Exploratory Committee
- Racial Justice Advocacy Network Sign-up Form
- Request to Remove an Item from En Bloc
- Resources
- Scholarships
- Scooter and Wheelchair rental
- Servant leader: present, equipped, here
- Shop Women of the ELCA
- Sizing
- Social Media Calendar
- Speakers
- Special Initiatives
- Start A Special Unit
- Superfans
- Synodical Women’s Organization page
- Synodical Women’s Organization Webpages
- Synodical Women’s Organizations receive $1,000 Seed Grants through Katie’s Fund
- Tenth Triennial Convention
- Thankofferings
- Tools For Leaders
- Triennial videos
- Twelfth Triennial Convention
- Twelfth Triennial Convention Information
- VBS Scavenger Hunt
- Ways to support your campus WELCA group
- We are glad to meet you!
- Web page changes form
- WELCA Campus Application
Daily Grace
- Nothing can separate us from God
- When you are burning out
- The dictates of love
- Standing with the marginalized
- Love thy neighbor as thyself
- Now the Messiah is present
- One mind, one spirit
- God the provider
- Seeing God’s gifts of abundance
- The support and encouragement of women
- Repairers of the breach
- The gain in letting go
- God’s excluded, beloved children
- Easter truth
- Peace and understanding
- Renewing our relationship with the earth
- The use of anger
- Repentance 101
- Concepts and reality
- Openness to diversity
- Made in God’s image
- Let baptism be your guide
- I thought of our ancestors
- All saints gathered
- Taking it to the streets
- As winter approaches
- A prayer for sharing our stories
- An Epiphany prayer
- Christianity is not comfortable
- Sense of belonging
- Will we welcome them?
- Mysterious fear
- Say yes to kindness
- Reflecting on grace
- Driving across the country as her mother was dying
- Blessings
- A different type of gift
- Thankfulness: A state of being
- Booked and busy
- The in-between time
- The strength in embracing yourself
- What can we do to bring about a loving world?
- Keep shining your light
- When the Holy Spirit shows up
- Extending an invitation
- What seeds are you scattering?
- Don’t neglect the power of your work
- Gifts that shape the common good
- Walking in the Dark
- My Mother’s Thankoffering box
- There is always enough
- Gifted
- Practicing gratitude in all circumstances
- Who makes my garden grow?
- Sustaining what God has given to us
- The motherhood of God
- Do you reach for Christ eagerly?
- Go deeper into Lent
- Justice the foundation of God’s love
- With God, all people matter
- Best laid plans
- Leaves
- Fear
- Pure joy
- Oh, the many hats we wear
- The power of words
- Ways to honor and celebrate women
- Study and engagement as devotion during Black History Month
- Risky transformation
- Advent: A season for waiting and preparing
- Let us give thanks
- Now thank we all our God
- 5 seasons in our lives that require planning and prayer
- Look closely at the Emmaus story to better understand how you recognize Jesus
- How do you use what you know and what you have to forward Jesus’ ministry?
- How can you act on inspiration with joy and generosity?
- What’s important to you and how do you take care of it?
- Using language everyone can understand to carry on the work of the Holy Spirit
- What does stewardship really mean, and what does that mean to me?
- And now I see—What opens your spiritual vision?
- What is one reason you care about Women of the ELCA?
- How are the women you know and love staying connected?
- How do steadfast faith and hope lead to Thanksgiving?
- How can you be a good steward? Vote!
- Sure and certain faith gives us strength and courage
- Do you know how precious your friends are?
- Are you passing on the treasures of your faith?
- Because we are our sisters’ keepers
- Honor those who care for us
- God builds into us a need for community
- Meaningful ways to observe holy Lent
- How do we Just Love our neighbor?
- Did you give everything you wanted for Christmas?
- It’s hard to imagine
- Let’s live like we’re blessed because we are
- Pretty bold, this Jesus who welcomes sinners
- It’s what we do
- How can we be most excellent friends of God?
- Take stock and see how we’re doing
- The Holy Spirit is always surprising
- Pray for openness to God’s will
- Love one another and to do good things for people
- How can we do the right thing for our neighbor today?
- How much thought do you put into a gift?
- When it’s really hard to be thankful
- Bible in one hand, newspaper in the other
- Act on your gratitude to change the world
- Fashion us “All Anew” ever and again
- God is about relationship and so are we
- As disciples, we are called to use our words for good
- Everything we have comes to us from God
- Do you reach for Christ eagerly?
- What can we do now?
- Do not let your hearts be troubled
- As we live into an All Anew year
- How should we prepare?
- Thanksgiving meal is sweet celebration
- Listening to Mr. Rogers’ mom’s advice
- Celebrate the opportunity to learn something new
- The miracle of the zucchini
- Peace. Pass it on
- How Does Katie Luther Inspire You?
- What is the source of Christian Hope?
- Take Care So That It Will Last
- Plenty To Share
- Advent: A Hidden Season
- Seasons of Stewardship
- No Child Should Go Hungry
- Beginning the Journey
- Holy Stewardship
- Good for our Hearts
Gathering 2021
- Churchwide executive board decides about convention, gathering dates
- Relive the fun, love with memories
- If you’ve registered for the Gathering, follow these tips
- Executive board postpones triennial convention, gathering until August 2021
- Leadership closely monitoring COVID-19 virus and implications
- It’s time to get ready for Phoenix in July!
- Phoenix area tours enhance experience at Gathering 2020
- Start saving now for the 2020 gathering
- “Just love” Gathering 2020 logo reminds we are part of one body
Just Love Gathering 2023
- WELCA board addresses strategic planning, racial justice, and the triennial debt.
- Hockenbery to serve as interim executive director of Women of the ELCA
- Women of the ELCA publications win awards.
- WELCA board celebrates retiring executive director and looks at future plans
- Elections, support for antiracism and healing work feature large
- Women of the ELCA staff and publication win at RCC and ACP
- Women of the ELCA publications honored with awards
- Women of the ELCA has first significant revenue surplus in years
- Be bold! Do justice! Wisconsin women grow into advocacy
- Women of the ELCA remembers Kate Elliott, former magazine editor
- Women of the ELCA to expand Katie’s Fund through major campaign
- Executive board considers Women of the ELCA’s finances, needs and resources
- Join us in supporting AMMPARO through Equal Exchange
- Women of the ELCA opts for a smaller, more inclusive executive board
- For a meaningful future, Women of the ELCA to focus on anti-racism
- Even with reduction in staff and budget shortfall, executive director has hope
- Women of the ELCA publications, Gather and Cafe, win 15 awards
- Here are 3 tools for pivoting to increase participation in your women’s group
- Choose to challenge inequities during Women’s History Month this March
- Little blue person means Women of the ELCA has a vision for you
- Support important ministries with your group’s extra dollars
- With giving down, Women of the ELCA forced to make staff changes
- Bring your troubles and cares to our Blue Christmas Service
- Our letter-exchange project is so popular, we’ve extended it
- How is the pandemic disrupting Women of the ELCA?
- Updated and refreshed resource, Called to be Political, now available
- Former executive director of Women of the ELCA dies
- Congregational units should use caution when planning events
- How to create racial solidarity in times of pandemic
- Let’s Gather from home for Bible study, community, prayer
- How to keep women connected with Gather Bible studies
- Supporting your community of women, virtually
- Women of the ELCA staff receive 22 communicator awards
- Pray with Lutheran women across the church every Tuesday at noon
- As Christians, we must see Jesus in every person who crosses our border
- What’s God calling you to do?
- This World Day of Prayer, let’s go to Zimbabwe!
- Trinity women found new way to purse-ue Bold Women’s Day
- Online treasurers’ training is a big hit
- The work we do shows up in our blogs
- Special executive board meeting sets 2020 budget, approves proposed constitutional changes
- Who are your capable leaders? Maybe you?
- To move into the future, we must look ‘radically different’
- We are women who support each other in our callings
- We’ll be the women in red at the Churchwide Assembly
- Staffing transitions offer new opportunities
- Phebe Hospital solar power organizers generate energy for new project
- How do issues get before our conventions?
- Organization commits to growth even as revenues decline
- Algunas directivas para escribir resoluciones
- Diaper ministry resurrects small Phoenix congregation
- WELCA staff collects 19 communicator awards in Chicago
- Reach your Latina sisters with our Spanish resources
- Experience not required at National Quilting Day 2019
- Better the balance, better the world
- Visibility is key to getting new women
- Celebrate National Quilting Day
- Caribbean Synod to start anew with churchwide support
- Giving to warm hearts, change lives
- How do we best fulfill our organization’s mission and purpose?
- Northwestern Pennsylvania SWO works to end human sex trafficking
- From suicide prevention to earworms, our top blogs provide wisdom, advice
- Bold women are part of our faith’s genealogy
- World Day of Prayer to be celebrated March 2019
- Budgets, strategic planning and committee reports fill board meeting
- Triathlon training, faith requires endurance, especially following a stroke
- Executive director signs letter admonishing baby formula manufacturers
- No cell phone rule got teens talking
- Do you want to engage more women in your organization?
- Laundry ministry creates bubbles of enthusiasm
- Board, staff look for new ways to carry out mission
- Associated Church Press honors Gather, Café with seven awards
- 10 ways to attract new participants to your group
- Communication work wins 10 awards
- Director for justice joins WELCA staff
- We sang, we led, we learned on Bold Women’s Day
- Six units get $1,000 RUHWG seed grants
- Lily bags, hospital bags deliver needed items, bring joy
- Presidents meet in Chicago for annual meeting
- Thanks for making history with us
- Tripling our life-changing ministry through Katie’s Fund
- ELCA Youth Gathering exhibit revisits human trafficking
- Ceremony shines light on Phebe Hospital
- Upstate New York SWO honors Katie Luther
- Scholarship recipients scream, cheer, thank
- Group busy with 125th anniversary projects
- Two staff positions ended October 30
- Board cuts budget, extends executive director term
- No community safe from human trafficking
- What can you do to end domestic violence?
- Women of the ELCA takes 12 total awards
- Funding triennial convention is a challenge
- Sowing seeds in good soil
- Hospital’s new solar power project sees light of day
- Your Offering Will Make a Difference
- Hitting the streets
- 100 years of bold service
- Are you ready for the summer Bible study
- Five ways to avoid email scams requesting money
- Women of the ELCA’s director for justice retires
- Executive director shares 30 loves and hopes
- Advocates for change
- Give with a smile
- Inspiring others to action
- Church planter, good eater to preach at Tenth Triennial Convention
- Wonder no longer about year-end giving
- Anti-racism education team offered new curriculum
- Voting members should watch for proposed constitutional changes in the mail
- Boot camps bring new life to leadership training
- News briefs
- As financial leaders, women should join credit union
- Do you see this woman? is 2017 COP theme
- Hurst, Texas, WELCA group sponsors free library
- ‘It can happen to anyone”
- Time to apply for RUHWG seed grants
- Raise your voice through memorials, resolutions
- Two Advent resources for your journey
- Financial challenges, great signs of life greet organization
- At porro illum tempore neque vitae
- Carrying out our mission together
- Your scholarship program at work
- Peace activist to speak of transformation
- Five tips for holding a Café pop-up event
- Pastor, mom, blogger to lead convention Bible study
- Nominations open
- Houston woman builds bridges in faith community
- Solar project fueled by higher power
- Join the coloring craze
- Ten ways to stay connected to WELCA
- Color, pray, explore ‘All Anew’
- New racial justice advocacy resources available
- Relationship is key to building church
- ‘Great teacher’ leaves WELCA $50,000
- Subscribe now. Don’t miss these new Gather Bible studies
- News Briefs
- Make connections, presidents says
- Women of the ELCA brings home three more awards
- Women of the ELCA gets three awards
- Snack program offers weekend meals
- The power of women gathered
- Raise your voice through memorials, resolutions
- Called to discipleship: A lost practice
- Women’s ministries ripple throughout ELCA
- Celebrate Women’s History Month
- LWF wants to hear your story
- Women’s bodies and the body of Christ
- Bold women care
- Youth celebrate bold women in their lives
- Sarah Carson joins Gather staff
- Resources for your Lenten journey
- Change is good
- Are you ready for new challenges?
- Summer study focuses on reconciliation
- Bold means vulnerable at Eugene, Oregon, church
- Do you know about your SWO?
- Mark your calendars for January 15
- Scholarship applications accepted now
- Inspired to respond
- Walking together side by side
- Epiphanies come at 66: Thanks be to God
- Love heals, y’all
- Join 57 units Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls
- “It’s cool to go to Phoenix”
- Women of the ELCA awards nearly $50,000 in grants
- Triennial gathering promoters selected
- Ending world hunger by 2030
- Tenth Triennial Gathering theme set
- Malaria campaign hits $15 million goal
- Region 6 tackles bullying issue
- Are you a faithful friend?
- Rise up to end human sex trafficking
- Dolls with missing limbs give comfort to owners
- Support anti-trafficking efforts at the ELCA Youth Gathering
- Shawls make prayers tangible
- Why Slow Faith?
- Summer issue of Interchange available online
- Taking it to the streets: An immersion experience
- Six ways to connect with college students
- Giving regularly, rain or shine
- Nominations are open for 2017 TG promoters
- Sowing seeds in the community
- Four steps to becoming an active unit
- Women of the ELCA bring home four more awards
- Executive Board meets April 24-25
- Put Phebe Hospital on the grid
- You are Called into Action
- Women of the ELCA receive three awards
- Eradicating gun violence
- Pack your bags for Tanzania
- Treasurers training in Chicago
- Bible studies being made new
- Download the new Bible studies brochure
- Take “A Place for You” on the road
- Welcome Gather’s new managing editor
- The dance is on
- You are invited to buy diapers
- Making a fashion comeback
- Epiphany: Unfolding the discovery
- Thank God, and let’s get going!
- Bring an end to gender-based violence
- It’s all about #AdventAction
- Newly-formed executive board meets, deliberates
- Bishop’s address now available on Youtube
- Katie’s Fund exceeds goal, continues growth
- Chocolate brings them in, but what will keep them?
- Six generations alive today (and here)
- You oughta be in pictures (and you might be)
- Repair, rebuild, restore
- ‘We’re a sister act, so let’s act’
- Bishop Installs Officers, Board
- Bishop speaks to triennial gathering
- Delegates pass 2015 budget
- Women uplift unaccompanied children issue
- Women of the ELCA elect new officers, board
- Outgoing president delivers final report
- Delegates work to further mission, ministry
- Convention updates
- Patti Austin elected churchwide president
- Get a jump on your triennial gathering ‘must dos’
- Offering hope, one woman at a time
- Day registrations for Ninth Triennial gathering just announced
- Tote bags, made in Ghana, transform lives
- Art + Culture = Good time!
- In-kind gift recipients announced
- News from the April 2014 executive board meeting
- Associated Church Press honors Gather, Cafe
- Communication efforts receive 8 awards
- Celebrating Women’s History Month
- Are you up for a challenge?
- Bringing healing, peace and comfort
- Engaging the triennial gathering theme
- There’s joy in giving
- Celebrating Bold Women’s Day
- Helping those in the Philippines
- Advent resource explores Mary, Jesus and 1,000 days
- Planning webinars for World Day of Prayer announced
- Bringing smiles and laughter to religion
- Full of heartache, hope and renewal
- News from the October 2013 executive board meeting
- Four programs generate new life for health initiative
- Triennial gathering learning opportunities abound
- Understand the theme
- Churchwide president brings greetings
- Excitement builds as registration opening nears
- Daily Grace expands reach
- Women of the ELCA reception at churchwide assembly
- Churchwide president to begin seminary
- Finding new program ideas
- Women and justice task force at work
- In the wake of tornadoes
- Can we get Gather on our tablet devices? APPsolutely!
- Creating space for new community
- A Woman Who Inspires
- News from the spring 2013 executive board meeting
- A prayer following the Boston Marathon bombings
- Five DeRose-Hinkhouse Awards given to Women of the ELCA
- Women of the ELCA magazines honored
- Bringing peace and hope to Liberia
- An Easter resource
- Learn of the Chippewa Cree Tribe
- All who hunger, gather gladly
- 25th Anniversary Appeal update
- Our journey to wellness
- Celebrating our silver anniversary
- Claim your bold on Facebook
- Giving thanks for bold women with frosting and sprinkles on top
- 40 days for the 1,000 Days Movement
- Grants, scholarship application deadline nears
- Presidents to gather next month
- Observe Human Trafficking Awareness Day January 11
- There’s still time to give in 2012
- Celebrating Christmas traditions
- Applications for grants, scholarships now being received
- Supporting peace and justice in Liberia
- Two Advent resources for your journey
- Some thoughts on our 25th anniversary
- Two new logos available on products
- News from the fall 2012 executive board meeting
- Region 4 challenges itself to raise $25,000 for 25th Anniversary Appeal
- Just in time for holiday gift-giving
- Resources for Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- Created, called and empowered
- Threads of Hope helps children: one grantee’s story
- Resources now available in Spanish
- Contact NBC, request documentary airing
- Executive board appointments announced
- Applications now being received for seed grants
- Cafe’s new look
- Let’s Go to Liberia
- Board endorses LWR Quilt Effort
- Drum Major
- Working to end the sin of human trafficking
- What does Christmas mean?: A philosophy of Christmas for women.
- Time is a gift this Advent – Week 4
- Time is a gift this Advent – Week 3
- Time is a gift this Advent – Week 2
- Time is a gift this Advent – Week 1
- Thanksgiving truth, healing and tranquility
- Give freely
- What Kind of WELCA Woman am I?
- Faith and civic engagement
- Fallando con Gracia (Failing gracefully)
- Yes, Believe Women
- The Sabbath was made for you.
- Wearing orange in remembrance of Indian Boarding Schools
- Corazones Viroldos (Wonky hearts)
- Post-traumatic living after suicide
- Troubled waters: Our baptismal identity
- Grab some ‘me time’ before summer ends
- What kind of WELCA woman are you?
- Go-to places for sacred spaces
- God has a friendly heart
- Sharing our whole selves
- Friendships refresh the soul
- Farewell and be bold!
- How do you find your space to connect with God?
- Find ways to celebrate the power of a woman’s nurturing strength
- Herstory: The story of the three Dorothys
- Remembering to practice gratitude
- Walking is my life preserver (after Jesus)
- Pentecost all year
- An empty reservoir is no good for anyone
- Mending and tending our planet
- Render unto Caesar
- Linda Post Bushkofsky to retire as Women of the ELCA executive director, effective June 30.
- Reliving the story
- Multi-generational moments with bold women
- Lydia—A Bold Woman
- The Widow of Zaraphath: A Bold Woman
- Working backward during Lent
- Our history comes alive with stories
- Diving deeper into Lent
- From beads to ashes
- How can you love? Let us help you count the many ways
- Prayers for the final week before the Super Bowl
- We continue our anti-trafficking prayers in week three
- Thankofferings: Gratitude in action
- Week two anti-trafficking prayers now available
- Has Martin Luther King JR.’s dream faded in 2024?
- Anti-trafficking prayers, leading up to Super Bowl, now available
- Faking trust
- Our top 5 most-read blog posts in 2023
- Caring for those in need this Christmastide
- The best thing came in a small package
- The still, small voice
- The Appearance Illusion
- Good things come in small packages: Moving from wanting to waiting at Advent
- A brief theology of Thanksgiving
- Unapologetically political
- Seeing the bigger picture
- Called by God to do something
- Just be
- Taking an adult time out
- Awareness-raising in discussing books by Native authors
- Hope just in time
- Labor as a holy act
- You’re always welcome to pray here
- Welcome at The Table
- Summer reading challenge: Two novels by Native authors
- Retreat where you are
- Remembering the women who raised our nation
- Will prayer squares inspire a new ministry for you?
- Jesus loves you: Enjoy VBS for adults
- Blessed to be an ally
- An opportunity to remember
- Positive age beliefs lead to better health
- Honoring the persistent mother, remembering a transformational event
- ELCA’s Truth & Healing Movement calls us to learn about MMIW
- Ten Reasons to Attend the Just Love Gathering
- I am Rachel.
- More than kisses, letters mingle souls
- The Three Days
- Herstory: 2,000 years of biblical interpretation
- During Women’s History Month, tell your story
- Herstory: The gift of faith and fashion
- Herstory: The story of the three Dorothys and how they shaped my faith
- Yara Shadidi–Legacy
- Chinonye Chukwu, Whoopi Goldberg, Danielle Deadwyler—Till
- Agojie, Viola Davis, Gina Prince-Bythewood, The Woman King
- Sojourner Truth: “Ain’t I a woman?”
- Living Herstory: Celebrating Bold African-Descent Women
- Happy birthday, Katie!
- How can we practice our faith today?
- Pray without ceasing
- Our top 5 blog posts of 2022
- Equal Exchange and Women of the ELCA offering chocolate seminar on January 28
- Perfectly imperfect for the new year
- Sharing our gifts
- Keep dollars moving to support the ministries of Women of the ELCA
- Únase a nosotros para el tercer servicio anual de Navidad Azul
- Join us for the third annual Blue Christmas Service
- What are you longing for?
- World AIDS Day, a time for remembering and working for a future without HIV/AIDS
- 16-day emphasis to end femicide begins today
- Thanksgiving: gathering to break bread
- Land acknowledgements are invitation to deepen relationships
- Many ways to build a family: celebrating National Adoption Month
- Honoring our saints
- Unexpected gifts and blessings
- When people say “I don’t see your wheelchair”
- Finding meaning in traditions
- Blessed are the animal companions
- The Beauty and Tragedy of the Mestizaje Mindset
- Invest an hour and get multiple returns
- Blessings of failure
- Encouraging one another with chalk
- First day of school and rainbows
- Back to school memories
- Nominations open for 2023-2026 triennium
- Are you a Mary or Martha or both?
- Make the Gather Bible Study into a One-Day Retreat
- Relearning our shared history
- For such a time as this: Training leaders
- The Holy month of June
- Love is transformational
- You are invited! Join the celebration!
- She gives them away
- Heeding the call
- From Camp to Seminary
- Where there is tea there is hope
- An attitude of gratitude
- Easter joy
- God loves our perfectly placed systems
- Session 5: Black Lives Matter
- Session 4: Understanding the impact of white privilege and supremacy
- Session 3: Reflections on Systemic Racism: The gift that is the “Red Pill”
- Session 2: Facing history by listening with an open heart
- Session 1: Earliest memories of noticing racial difference
- Quilts and shawls for peace
- The scars under our ashes
- Living our baptism
- Rooted in love this Valentine’s Day
- Sharing our faith stories
- Women multiply anti-trafficking work through partners
- Join with Women of the ELCA to end human trafficking
- Take action on this Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Daily devotions by favorite ELCA writers
- Perfectly imperfect
- A sister for Christmas
- Merry @#$%&ing Christmas: An Advent reflection
- We wait in joyful hope
- Reporters of the Good News this Advent
- Our financial support is year-round
- Giving thanks for what we do
- Our favorite blogs about giving thanks
- Look inside your cup
- Put your “two cents” in a Blessing Jar
- Grant them eternal rest, O Lord
- Honoring our saints
- Relearning gratitude after trauma
- What would Jesus say about all this crankiness?
- 3 ways to help someone in a domestic abuse situation
- Boldcafe Monthly Dinner: We are better together
- Cling to the promise and believe your work is not in vain
- As people of faith, we are called to serve in a multitude of ways
- How do cake stands, stories, and songs remind us of our heritage?
- How to have the courage to make room for new life
- Do you welcome new members? Are you a community or a clique?
- How can you dig up your buried joy and smile again?
- When we read the Bible together, we can learn from one another
- Let the light of Christ shine through us every day
- God heard a lot of ‘thank yous’ from Wisconsin pastor on summer trip
- With the grace of God, you can value and love yourself
- Who am I? Will the real me please stand up?
- How have you pushed yourself lately to do the hard thing?
- Will God give my mother a job on the welcome committee?
- How does the summer solstice bring you solace and rest?
- Daughter hopes love dance continues now for all time
- Spending time with someone is a valuable ministry of presence
- How has the pandemic offered you a way to slow down?
- 6 helpful ways to tend to our souls
- We know how to free the world from deadly diseases
- New season of motherhood brings with it great experience and responsibility
- We must do more to stop gun violence around the country
- Find purpose in lament by transforming your passion into action
- How can Women of the ELCA begin to act more like elephants?
- Take a look at your life and ask yourself, How do you matter?
- Holy Week brings the promise of resurrection and hope
- How to find spiritual treasures while reading a good book
- Are you bold enough to hear God’s calling and answer it?
- How can I be more like Jesus when I’m nothing like him?
- God invites us to reveal the depth of our faith even in uncertainty
- How do we observe the Sabbath during Pandemic Standard Time?
- Honoring bold African American women for Black History Month
- How creativity can help you move through grief
- How do you love your faith community?
- Make the new year as good as it can be
- How will you use God’s gift to us: the fruit of the Spirit?
- Grinches and Scrooges can’t steal your ‘Joy to the World’
- Christmas can be beautiful, and it can be messy
- What are the limits of your longing?
- In Advent, God makes all things new
- Lutheran women thought of #GivingTuesday a century ago
- What will we do with the extra time we have this Advent?
- Finding ways to fill the holes at your holiday table with thankfulness
- When we’re grateful, we see opportunity and blessings
- What a great day to say no to smoking
- How can we see silver linings in this time of coronavirus pandemic?
- How our baptism empowers and demands us to take care of our neighbor
- What nourishes you to be your best, to stay positive?
- Elections aside, it’s time to work for the good of all
- How can we keep Women of the ELCA from becoming a parking lot?
- You are called to be political. Please vote
- How can we approach ‘right now’ with awe and enthusiasm?
- 5 ways to clean out your mailbox (and your life)
- Celebrating 50/40/10 years of women’s ordination
- Even virtually, we are better together
- Kind words can heal the heart and mind
- Use your voice to become part of the solution
- Got a stupid question? Now’s the time to ask it
- 10 helpful ways you can encourage women to connect
- Can I ever share the truth about myself?
- How can you surprise someone with a virtual hug?
- Did you know a bold woman is at the heart of Holy Cross Day?
- Celebrate with your friends by doing these things
- We hope to see you at Just Love: A virtual preview
- From devastation & loss: A story of hope
- What good will you do this WELCA Wednesday?
- What does it mean when you reach for that snack?
- Why can’t we all just get along?
- Pedaling to remember the life of a friend
- Following Mary’s example of calm thoughtfulness
- How do you stay relaxed, connected, and refreshed?
- Connected by bonds that unite (and colorful yarn)
- How are you celebrating National Book Lovers Day?
- What are parents to do? The best they can
- Lives are changed when you support ministries you love
- Receiving a handwritten letter is as special as a gift
- Including walking loops in parks can increase exercise
- How are you ministering to the community?
- Who you gonna call? How ’bout me?
- Are you bogged down with possessions?
- What do we know about our history?
- Can bread and wine fulfill my yearning?
- Participating in faith practices offers hope
- Justice and equity for all God’s people
- Who are you eager to hug again?
- What do you think about the charities you support?
- Aren’t you sick and tired yet
- Haven’t we made progress?
- ‘Stay authentic’ should be subject of graduation speeches everywhere
- Opening our hearts to ‘Welcome the stranger’
- God uses friction in community to create good
- With sighs too deep for words
- The challenges are mighty, but we’ve conquered them before
- What are you waiting for? Especially now.
- ‘We are not the virus’
- Only love can heal hatred and violence
- Sisters beyond boundaries of DNA
- Do what you can, Ms. Ruby advises
- How can you focus on the positive during the current storm?
- Do you find meaning in coincidence?
- How do we grieve the death of someone we love?
- What can you do to relieve suffering?
- Combine social distancing with gratitude
- For times such as these, we are church
- Be as wise as you are cruel
- Are you called to serve as a mentor?
- Hey, Jesus, Lights on!
- How do you renew your spirit during Lent?
- Create an affirmation jar to encourage friends, colleagues
- We could use the extra day!
- What do we need to accomplish?
- If you’re lonely, we can help
- You are altogether beautiful
- A piece of advice from me to younger me
- Why we make a fuss over Katharina von Bora Luther
- A messy banana leads to thoughts on decision making
- Think before you speak, write, text
- Do you have a dream?
- How are you called to serve Women of the ELCA?
- If you catch the optimism the future can be bright
- Pick a word to guide you through the coming year
- What’s on your reading list?
- Seeing in living color
- Fear not! You are not alone
- 4 ways to help you prepare for Christmas
- Live Christmas tree raises many memories
- Ready to live in the full reign of God
- To keep momentum, pedal fast
- What brings you peace of mind?
- We are church together
- How can you use Advent to set a daily discipline?
- How can we recognize abuse?
- Discipleship is not optional!
- Taking care of those who live in poverty
- On Veterans Day we honor an advocate of peace
- When we listen, a community grows
- Do you support new growth?
- Do you think you can do it all? Likely not.
- How children teach us about generosity
- Indigenous Peoples’ Day: How storytelling brings truth to light
- What faith sound speaks to you?
- Let’s study the new social statement in our congregations
- Losing your soul to domestic abuse
- Wait 60 seconds before commenting
- Vacations are for the hardy
- What can an ordinary person do?
- Are we too busy being nice?
- How can we walk together?
- Won’t you be my neighbor?
- Our life’s direction is in God’s hands
- Girls rule on Women’s Equality Day (and every other day)
- Do you feel alignment with God?
- Poetry gives us language to express our feelings
- How disconnecting helps you relax
- Who feels liberated? Hopefully you
- Acting today to ensure a better tomorrow
- Black is the color of resistance, resilience and solidarity
- What the garden can teach us
- The messes we create before talking to God
- Your plans are not always God’s plans
- Show hospitality to strangers
- Sew-along stitches together online community
- Can we find grace on our doorstep?
- From worry wart to calming presence
- We grieve in different ways
- How do you show appreciation for an organization that’s helped you grow?
- Tug on leash leads owner to safety
- You teach me; I’ll teach you
- Turn your anger into advocacy
- How do you relax in the summer?
- Think before you post: What would Jesus do?
- Pay attention to what God is doing
- Transitioning into new beginnings (Part 2 or maybe 3)
- As we forgive those who sin against us
- Who you gonna call? No one. Please.
- How do you remember your mother?
- Your story is vital to our existence
- Talk to me about health
- Don’t do this if you want people to feel welcome
- Am I crazy for reading so many blogs?
- A new future is possible
- Every Easter I remember my resurrection
- What are you doing about stress?
- You are called. Answer it.
- No April Fool’s joke: Organization needs your story to survive
- Do you call God Father or Mother?
- Connecting our feelings to the weather
- Boldly writing every day (in February)
- Humble recipe surprisingly successful
- Welcoming leads to belonging
- Preventing suicide: Talk saves lives
- My bold mother: She’s curious, not nosy
- The harmfulness of rumors
- To sing is to pray twice
- The history of Valentine’s Day
- Doll is loved, even though disfigured
- Step boldly into 2019
- A Halloween story in the New Year: Being a mom is hard
- Southeastern WELCA synod makes Lily bags on MLK Day
- Has Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream faded?
- To you, with love
- Sandals remind of God’s promises
- We are to affirm the Christ in others
- New traditions require us to embrace the change
- How does Advent make you feel?
- What can we as Christians do?
- Role models in literature, life
- I’m miserable. How are you?
- What are you thankful for?
- Let’s lose the ugly baggage
- When have you experienced good grief?
- For all the saints
- So you want to be a writer?
- What does it mean to be a mentor?
- Building community, one dog at a time
- Are you up for a journey of faith?
- Are you working to end domestic violence?
- Who wants the super power of mind reading?
- Four big questions for small groups
- How to live when we want to die
- Modeling ourselves after the saints in our lives
- It’s all Greek to me
- Marching toward the future
- How do you feel when you dance outside your comfort zone?
- On Senior Citizens Day, thank the women who’ve blessed you
- Should we try to be more like turtles?
- How are we called to discipleship?
- Loving what ‘bugs’ us
- Time with family at Lutheran camp is gift
- Parenting: a process of celebrating the now and eventual
- Grab some ‘me time’ before summer ends
- How do we live out the call to love our neighbor?
- Listen to the quiet
- Fathering lessons: Love and respect everybody
- The angst and stress of speaking through our blogs
- Have we become too numb to act?
- How do you use our blogs?
- How are you creating change this summer?
- We cried and prayed with our Puerto Rican sisters
- A feeling of safety and security
- Hobbies remind us that work isn’t everything
- Trust of our fathers
- Is the Holy Spirit singing to you?
- How do you pray?
- God’s not in control when you say ‘never’
- Knock it out of the park when you welcome others to church
- When you offer hospitality, what do you expect in return?
- Keep watching for All Anew moments to celebrate
- It started out innocently enough
- Words of belief matter in grief or joy
- God, the divine switchboard operator
- Do you want to do something rewarding and worthwhile?
- Caring for foster child means leaving comfort zone
- Many of us need a good spiritual spring cleaning
- Is the kingdom of God like a foolish gardener?
- Toppled communion ware demonstrates grace
- How can we keep our children safe?
- Ending human trafficking one somebody at a time
- Can we revive the art of letter writing?
- What do you need to learn?
- How courageous are you?
- Do not be afraid
- Nobody wants to hear it
- Our faith gets us through suffering
- Where do you stand on gun reform?
- What can we do to stop gun violence?
- Every challenge is an opportunity for growth
- How baby kisses and toddler hugs mark my Lenten season
- Being HIV positive is not always negative
- Are you aware of what happens March 10?
- When you purchase fair trade products, you help women, small farmers
- We lost our hugger
- I’m not perfect, and neither are you
- Honoring our presidents on Presidents’ Day
- Wearing our faith on our foreheads
- Singing with teens is music to my heart
- Who needs church? We do.
- Are you drinking enough water?
- How often do you experience awe and amazement?
- Want to reduce your grief? Live in the present
- What do you look for in a church?
- Accepting invitation improves faith story
- How do you welcome?
- How do we forgive?
- Why don’t you get me?
- What traditions will you honor as you ring in the New Year?
- Who do you remember this time of year?
- Preparing for a new chapter
- A reformed Martha, I see God’s love everywhere
- How a cookie walk blessed so many people
- Identifying with heroes results in hard truths
- Always on the go
- Vermont congregation takes on reverse Advent calendar
- Using Advent to celebrate greed and wealth
- Are you being called for such a time as this?
- What would Earlene do?
- Your generosity shines light on Phebe Hospital project
- Most of us enjoy feeling needed, right?
- Opening our eyes to a different reality
- When faith in God means doing something
- Why some fail to acknowledge abuse on social media
- My saints are named Dorothy
- A creepy, crawly Reformation Day
- Our willingness to dream anew
- Say yes to become part of a community of faithful women
- #Metoo: A litany for speaking out or not
- One in three. A staggering reality.
- Going through the angst to get past it
- How to breach your comfort zone
- Follow God’s example and take time to rest
- Reality TV an escape from real-life situations
- 10 ways to invite new women to your group
- Pursuing peace through justice
- When we’re so moved we weep
- Embracing change through cream of pumpkin soup
- Two words guide me these days
- I was in prison and you visited me
- Being nice does not always honor God
- Bullied girl becomes confident woman
- How to take All Anew to the next level
- Sacred spaces are personal, peaceful
- 40th reunion triggers musings about time
- How to help after the hurricane
- The reward of children is grandchildren
- Flyer takes anxiety to higher power
- God’s doing a new thing. Do you see it?
- You give them something to eat
- God’s renewal turns world upside down
- Constant Buddy deserves another birthday
- Krumkake is ingredient for community
- Pleased with what God has made
- Gathering’s renewal offers opportunity for change
- Mary’s truth
- Creativity saves cold feet, environment
- Tanzanian girls teach rich life lessons
- Sharing stories, expanding ministries
- Educate. Advocate. Activate.
- Are we practicing real community?
- Stewardship today: A call to carry on
- Here’s to rocking childhood memories
- When scattered boxes come to life
- What do you find sob worthy?
- What it means to shop while black
- History, genetics explain love of quilts
- Modern solutions to old problems
- When we up upend our own tables
- Saints who love unconditionally
- Here’s how you form a real community
- Responding with 24 hours of prayer
- Honoring military veterans an emotional experience
- History has its eyes on you
- God is everywhere, not only in church
- God uses the ordinary, the unassuming
- A place that welcomes all
- We are sisters gathering at table
- Got the blues? Make your bed
- Faith carries us through our days
- Responding to gun violence
- How can you be at peace with Plan B?
- How do we stop the violence against children?
- Good stewardship of the Earth is our responsibility
- Familiar Easter symbols remind us of our calling
- Where charity and love are, God is there
- Three lessons in being a sibling
- Rachel’s Day resource designed to stop gun violence
- Create finger labyrinths in community
- Engaging new voices
- How living with less leads to abundance
- Virtual communion of saints
- Restore your saltiness
- Do we need to make serious changes?
- Be of good courage
- Renew a right spirit in me
- People appreciate a ‘Thank you’
- Blazing the trail
- Taste and see
- Are we not bold?
- Share in the excitement and fun!
- Offering hospitality to our global sisters
- A death in the family
- What’s love got to do with it?
- Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
- How do your quilts and kits get where needed?
- A good book keeps reality at bay
- Jesus the workaholic
- God’s got this
- God at work through scholarships
- Don’t nobody bring me no bad news!
- Dukes down: acting on our faith
- 7 ways to recognize fake news
- Tiny house, new baby means minimizing stuff
- Enjoy this final day of Christmas
- Giving up gossip
- Dignity for all
- New Year’s resolutions for the birds
- Waiting for patience
- God’s love is like that
- Scholarships affirm calling, gifts
- 7 tips for keeping new church members
- Advent: the season of bridgework
- Peace through hospitality
- Today is World AIDS Day
- Is it time to call it a day?
- How can we promote healing, wholeness, peace?
- Thanksgiving: The lost holiday
- Living on tear-soaked land
- 3 ways this election will make me better
- Quilt of many colors
- Leaders, leaders everywhere
- Loving our neighbors
- Called to protect the vulnerable
- Facing demons: Finding hope in Halloween
- Never lose hope
- Faythe’s footprints
- Rape culture is #notokay
- What are we talking about?
- Kickin’ it at boot camp
- Columbus Day cringe
- Hankering for connection
- Declaring war on a phrase
- Curating our attention
- Fall elections must address hunger and poverty
- Are you connected?
- Here’s your alert: Gear up
- My brother had my back
- Celebrating grandparents
- Traveling light
- Created in perfection by love
- All prayers welcome
- Give us eyes to see
- Is our shame indignation out of control?
- Perfect timing
- How do you relax?
- Human trafficking is hidden slavery
- Racism conversations over mac & cheese
- Layers of memories
- The promises we make
- Women commit suicide, too
- Value who you are
- Family fun routs healthy eating (on Sundays only)
- Lead from the back
- How can I be a neighbor?
- Answer to prayers
- Tell the truth
- Tattoos and life lessons
- The toll of rudeness
- We are soul sisters
- Social media in times of grief
- An image of love
- I’m curious now
- Are you ready to do more?
- What does it mean to be God’s church?
- Welcomed to the community
- Free from worry
- Let your fingers do the walking
- Boot camp offers look at Women of the ELCA
- Parks and recreation
- Counting the spoons
- How to have a helpful conversation about race
- God works in mysterious ways
- First impressions
- Transitioning into new beginnings: Part 2
- Wisdom of women
- Held back by tradition
- You are a poet
- Encourage accomplishment
- What’s new about Rachel’s Day?
- Free speech vs. right speech
- Midlife beginner
- Where are you going, my little one
- Are we there yet?
- Volunteers deserve their own day
- Making a difference in Flint
- Top o’ the morning to you
- 40 days without TV
- Rare sighting
- Oreos and favorite Bible verses
- No one should go to bed hungry
- Taking a leap (day)
- Women’s bodies and the body of Christ
- Meet Atandi: A bold woman and coffee farmer
- Isn’t grace amazing?
- Always learning
- What I learned during my #DryJanuary
- Bold women care about others
- Ability to balance
- Haven’t we made progress?
- Celebrate Katie Luther’s bold faith
- Be still and know…
- Keep on keeping on
- His mantra was love
- What is your one word this year?
- What can we do to end trafficking?
- Do you have too much stuff?
- It’s a lifestyle
- Press forward!
- Six ways we can help the lonely
- Why do we celebrate Christmas?
- Christmas and the turning of the year
- Reflect, ponder, prepare
- Gifts of aging
- An apology & acceptance
- On leggings, hair and piety
- Moving on
- Inspiring, awesome, humbling, exhausting
- Active preparation
- How are you preparing?
- Thankful to be thankful
- The days grow short
- Whatever you do, don’t give up
- Let’s lose some baggage
- For those who are hungry
- But we’re frustrated
- Traveling with sisters
- Taking the lead
- Walking lame
- For whom may we pray?
- New beginnings
- 5 ways to clean out a full mailbox [and life]
- Moving forward as empty-nesters
- Phishing with worms
- Schedule your mammogram today!
- A thin place
- That’s just silly: How we talk about our bodies
- God’s handiwork everywhere
- How are you vulnerable?
- Go ahead, ask a stupid question
- Consider the loveliness in your life
- News flash: Words do harm
- Marking seasons
- Give someone a hug today
- How are you a blessing?
- National Suicide Prevention Week is in September
- 6 lessons I learned when living alone
- Walking backward in high heels
- Are you spreading the good news?
- Be strong and bold
- Play ball!
- Confronting racism
- Pedaling with God and friends
- Color my world
- Remembering dad
- Grace in poverty
- Eight life lessons learned before age 20
- Grateful for traditions and customs
- Rise up to end trafficking
- The power of quilts
- Where is your sanctuary?
- Geeks welcome here
- Sharing God, love and food
- Hearts and hands
- Buoyed by companionship
- Love wins
- The fires continue to burn
- Rest and recharge
- Be wise as thou art cruel
- Fit body, fit brain
- Peace not brawls
- Junia: prominent among the apostles
- 4 tips when encountering service dogs
- Winners and losers
- Take a deep breath…and begin
- Honor, love and respect our soldiers
- Seize the opportunity
- Nepal: Women in a disaster zone
- Who’s gonna let the dog out?
- Turning off and tuning in
- A mothering memory
- May the Fourth Be With You
- Blessed with many sisters
- Of God and Grandma
- The virtue of getting un-dolled up
- Connection without contact
- Sleepless in Chicago
- Abolish your roaring lions
- What is there about soap?
- Easter means new beginnings
- The promise of resurrection
- You can do this
- Gray is the new blonde!?
- Safe havens
- Mentors and sheroes
- Rubbish, redemption, restoration
- Staying serene
- 5 Lessons I learned from Dr. Seuss
- Drawn home
- Virginia’s gift
- You’ve got mail!
- What week is it?
- Tis the Season! For Seasonal Affective Disorder…
- Roses are red, violets are blue
- La Esperanza, Guatemala: Basic necessities?
- I choose joy
- My unexpected love affair with purple
- Making a change
- Gravestone duty
- Violence in America
- A day of action
- Wine, women, sex is free
- Why do you care?
- The “dead” in deadlines
- Channeling Miss Manners for advice on rude behavior
- Happy new year!
- Location: Mama Isara, Mbulu, Tanzania, East Africa
- Bah humbug!
- With a song in my heart
- Who are you this Christmas?
- All things are possible
- Devotions anyone?
- For racial justice advocates of faith
- Advent and Christmas “reruns”
- Fair trade benefits everyone
- To rest in God’s embrace
- Reflections for this day, this season
- Are you living a “decent” Thanksgiving?
- God be praised!
- Preparing to prepare
- Giving thanks
- Light at the end of the tunnel
- Fill ‘er up?
- That’s not how this works
- Setting the table
- Who is your saint?
- Fall findings
- 2 loaves, 3 fishes and a couple coupons
- The gift of listening
- All you ever wanted to know about the executive board
- That’s what friends are for
- What a day!
- You’re guaranteed to learn from these bold volunteers
- Helpless? No!
- From our archives: Meeting God in music
- Rest
- Starting a unit
- Acts of kindness
- We all need support
- Mother Goose
- Lessons learned
- Who is your neighbor?
- Taking the secular and making it sacred
- How will you help our organization meet its budget?
- Redirecting dollars
- “Change, what change?”
- Weary no more
- This is what bold looks like
- I’ll snack to that
- Blessed to be a blessing
- What I learned backstage
- Prayers for peace
- Experience #welcatg … again
- Onward to college
- Not just a quilting society
- A life of service (to date, that is)
- What? Us stressed?
- Amazing grace
- Gratitude for Women of the ELCA
- Getting curious on Facebook
- Moxie and hutzpah!
- Reflections on conceal and carry
- Generations
- Preparing for the gathering
- Trying to understand another’s reality
- Hola Carmen, ¿Como Estas
- What will it take?
- The happiness of plants
- Refugee Sunday
- Random thoughts
- Jesus did it, so can we
- Transitioning into new beginnings
- Perfection is a heavenly sight!
- Role models
- “You should be home in the kitchen” and other lies told to us
- An epidemic of one-armed mothers
- Thanks for taking my money
- Seeking justice? Seeking love?
- One
- It’s good to work together
- Temporary setback = lasting lesson
- Spring fever?
- April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
- Set the agenda
- Self-care in stressful times
- It’s your call
- Picket line or love?
- Where is the awesomeness?
- The poison of tchotchkes
- Our hope is in God’s steadfastness
- Yes, I really am using Twitter for Lent
- Every time we do this, we feed Jesus
- My Lenten discipline
- Church ladies
- Welcoming clergywomen
- No Strings Attached
- Time for me
- Are you invested?
- T.H.I.N.K.
- A very late night
- Invite your pooch to a Bow-Wow Bible Study
- A Valentine is a heart
- A younger self
- What the devil…?!?!
- Scarcity or abundance?
- Following the light
- One of the good people
- Legacy
- Birthday blues
- Don’t set goals!
- Malaria, water and the American South
- Season of light, people of light
- If you’re happy and you know it …
- Devote yourselves to prayer
- Looking backward, looking forward
- Be all you can be
- Mary and our Purpose Statement
- My other Christmas list
- Contemplating Christmas
- Constantly distracted
- Nothing is too dead for God
- Crime shows
- Justice, large and small
- The seduction of things
- The Black Friday phenomenon
- Our favorite reflections on giving thanks
- Counting blessings
- Violence against women
- On being #thankfulwomen
- Being grateful
- Coffee table stewardship
- Where do mean girls come from?
- Birthing a family
- Love and marriage
- Stop the bullying!
- Appropriating circles
- 17
- Halloween
- Empowering our daughters
- A eulogy worth living
- Imperfectly perfect
- How we think about charity (part 4 of 4)
- Five dollars and the generosity of children
- Sharing is caring
- Courage is a gift
- Will Jesus claim you?
- Filling your reservoir
- Women and athletics
- A gals’ gathering: creating memories
- Sophia and Violet
- Why?
- How we think about charity (part 3 of 4)
- A farm sale
- A gracious role model
- Are you ready?
- Are women too busy being nice?
- Always being made new, indeed!
- The downside of a booming economy
- What’s the right question?
- Honoring special women
- How we think about charity (part 2 of 4)
- Open my eyes that I may see
- Preventable deaths, double standards?
- God surrounds us
- Dear media: stop misrepresenting us
- Rediscovering childhood happiness
- Bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich
- Cargo culture and faith
- On this Independence Day
- Making a SNAP judgment?
- Encouraging and praying for graduates
- Stella lost her groove
- Creating space for conversation
- Language, foul and fair
- Understanding white privilege
- How we think about charity
- Functionally obsolete?
- Faces of grief
- Just say no
- Finding hope in financial education
- For the pirates and graduates
- May: women’s health and other things
- Look who’s canting!
- What does God expect of us?
- What are you waiting for?
- Isn’t that precious?
- The secret to reaching others with our message
- The case for blogs
- Facebook photo etiquette (or how to keep your mom from posting horribly unflattering photos)
- Earth Day 2013
- Distracted from violence by violence
- It’s not just about guns
- “Give to God the things that are God’s”
- Being there
- A leave of presence
- The sweetness of doing something
- It felt like April Fool’s Day!
- A resurrection story
- Another post about rape culture
- Oh, the places you will go
- Serendipity vs. Efficiency
- Another cool way to give
- Making the hour count
- Praying for medical missions
- Rejoice always?
- Finally!
- Being bold
- Is your Women of the ELCA unit like the post office?
- The conversation we must all have
- Beyond chocolates, cards and flowers
- Taking ashes to the street
- What a gift!
- Making yourself available
- The true cost of technology
- Agent of change
- War on elephants means war on women and children
- Fear on the streets of Chicago
- The Naumannator! Really?
- Let’s do the math
- You can’t change what you don’t know
- Eight ways to support the 25th Anniversary Appeal
- Let the celebrations continue!
- Welcome to 2013
- On making changes
- Gifts of the church
- When the gifts are opened
- “Well, what did you learn?”
- Working for healing and wholeness?
- Give the gift of patience
- Do you really want a White Christmas?
- “Stir up” Sundays
- Wtih malice toward none
- Three days ’til a new year?
- When shopping is the holiday
- Giving thanks
- The gift that keeps on giving
- Thanksgiving-inspired spa treatments
- Responding to the letters
- Life in Twitter time
- Let your voice be heard
- We’re all in this together
- A good show for 1,000 Days
- Conflicting messages: valuing beauty over brains
- Acting with gusto
- Preparing for the new season
- Mission 26
- Advocating for girls’ rights everywhere
- The meaning of community
- It’s a both/and
- Deadline, deadline, deadline
- Who knew?
- Experiencing the disconnect
- These shoes were made for walking … or were they?
- Oprah was in NOLA during the ELCA Youth Gathering
- We’ve already been invited.
- Starting anew!
- Wanting real news, not interpretations
- It’s Labor Day
- Have you made your plans yet?
- Limited facts, finances or faith?
- Ladies helping ladies: Your quilts in action
- American rape culture
- The rhythm of baking
- What do I stand for?
- Read a book, change your life
- It takes a diamond to cut a diamond
- On harvesting
- A near-perfect noon Sabbath
- A good life ends
- Home grown tomatoes
- Are you truly listening? I am.
- My great-grandfather’s pulpit
- Showing hospitality to immigrants
- Full or filled?
- Appreciating God’s creation
- Plan B
- Mister Rogers Remix
- Tantrums–who’s throwing them?
- Summertime and the living is easy
- Bugs vs. Barbies
- Where is home?
- Summer fever
- Practicing gratitude
- An ode to personal millinery
- Everyday Thankofferings
- Empty nester
- How are we talking about criminal justice in America?
- Mama said
- Sometimes you need a do-over
- Understanding climate change
- Grandparents raising grandchildren
- The end of “I’ve been meaning to”
- Always be prepared
- Earth friendly via Pinterest
- Two-year-old flight risk
- The power of inviting. (Part 2: The results are in!)
- We are resurrection people!
- A Maundy Thursday reflection
- My resurrected life
- What excites you?
- Along with Rachel, we are weeping
- Change is inevitable
- Words matter
- “Is it too late to revise my resolutions?”
- What’s in a name?
- For Lent: Spiritual self-care
- What about ‘no’ don’t you understand?
- Tough questions
- Time and technology
- Meeting God in Music
- When having the most is not best
- Valentine Shmalentine
- For everything there is a season
- The power of inviting. (Have you asked?)
- Conscious consumption
- It’s time for a change
- A welcoming community
- An attitude of gratitude
- Gather: A few good men
- Being color blind
- Raising up healthy women & girls
- Another kind of interactive map
- The Twelfth Day of Christmas
- How can you be more true to yourself?
- A town, a birth, some encouraging words
- A season of giving
- Blessed are those who mourn
- The tree
- When is enough really enough?
- A season of waiting
- Cherishing Advent traditions
- W.W.J.D.
- I remember those eyes
- Shopping mad
- Ready, get set, wait!
- Black Friday or bust!
- On being #thankfulwomen
- Autumn leaves
- Get yourself a pain partner
- 39 and holding? Not me!
- Blessed are the peacemakers
- To humbly receive
- Maternal and child malnutrition is a real crisis
- Missing …
- Nerds …
- I am not an activist
- The French Toast Connection (to my baptism)
- Is it time for Debt Jubilee?
- Transitions
- Congratulations to our Lutheran sister Leymah Gbowee!
- Cultivating a grateful heart
- It never fails!
- Everyday bold women
- Is the Golden Rule dead?
- Sobering numbers
- Blessed are the peacemakers
- Learning to let go
- Starting a new year, a new triennium
- Tomorrow? All we have is today
- Wearing many hats and lovin’ it!
- Kindness of Strangers
- Labor Day blues
- The significance of the now
- We like the name Gather
- Stand up, sit down, fight, fight, fight!
- Overheard at the churchwide assembly
- “Preliminary Freakout” and missing generations
- Would you like fries with that?
- Growing Older Gracefully
- Teenage sleepovers? Really?
- Is your stuff weighing you down?
- Vacations are not for wimps
- What’s your FUD reading today?
- Insert yourself into deficit debate
- Thoughts from the newly elected president
- What’s on your summer reading list?
- How are you getting ready?
- Protecting the poor and the hungry is a good investment
- Taming the fear of aging
- Combating loneliness
- Free to be
- A meditation on Psalm 23
- True renewal
- Anti-racism lessons from working in the garden
- Why do we like Civil War reenactments so much?
- The rich heritage of Bible study
- A little this, a little that
- Are you at home in our organization?
- Singing Lutherans
- The death of Osama
- This may sound petty, but …
- Does the United States support the rights of women, or not?
- Be prepared: How ready are you for a disaster?
- Did you get your dose of Daily Grace today?
- How long do you want to live?
- Praying that God’s Spirit once again moves across the waters
- Where is your thin place?
- Let’s talk about sex
- What are you reading this Lent?
- Bell and hell
- Free your mind
- I’m Irish and know that I’m lucky
- Going in reverse
- Equality with men
- Further adventures of the hapless cook
- Spring into boldness
- A lenten lesson found in a scrap quilt
- Love handles and muffin tops
- Sincerity or truth?
- Ugh … it’s Valentine’s Day … again
- History, herstory … is it all in the past?
- Love thy thyroid
- No more injun or nigger for Tom and Huck!
- Serving together
- Observing Martin Luther King Jr. day
- Let’s tone down the trash talking
- Share your faith
- Devote yourselves to prayer
- Fresh starts
- New Year’s traditions: what are yours?
- A white Christmas
- Faith and reason and the Spirit of God
- All I want for Christmas
- A dance interrupted resumes
- The scars to prove it
- Tuna casserole and other thoughts about comfort food
- Women and heart disease: Did you know?
- Wizard of Oz: political allegory or children’s fairy tale?
- A broad attention span
- The American season of excess?
- Coping with groping
- Do what you love (the memories might follow)
- In the name of religion
- What are you reading?
- Survey says: You are happier if you have a sister
- Taking on Alzheimer’s
- Exercise your right
- Promises, promises
- Women give more, but why?
- Cats, dogs and Lutheran women
- Doing what is needed
- The purse curse: lighten the load
- Hearing voices
- Misunderstood words
- Are we ignorant about religion?
- Supporting women’s and children’s health
- Pink Brain, Blue Brain
- Combatting sexual exploitation and trafficking
- Parenting: What type are you?
- Thank a teacher today
- When I come to work, no one asks where Bob is
- Living in an interfaith world
- Saying okay to gray
- The size game
- Have you ever been “visually confirmed”?
- Don’t take it personally
- How do you know when you’re being greedy?
- Cobwebs and baptismal fonts
- Does it pay at work to be better looking?
- The Mary-Martha puzzle
- Making good on the promise to be the village
- Labels, literalism and the messiness of metaphor
- Love, marriage, partnerships and church politics
- The nostalgia virus
- The Secret is no secret
- From death into life
- Global perspective through global mania
- Holding grief
- What’s on your summer reading list?
- Women of the ELCA creates the space, you provide the community
- My beef with healthy eating
- Connect women with one another through skill swaps
- Encountering the Holy
- Why we should pay attention to Supreme Court nominees
- Putting an end to domestic violence
- Arizona’s new immigration law
- The cock crowed twice
- Soccer moms and WELCA ladies: when stereotypes stick
- When bold women were bold
- Picking winners
- Rather than resist them, I think I’ll eat them
- Busy hands make open minds: nail polish Sunday school
- Invest in yourself
- Rachel still grieves for her children: Rachel’s Day is Sunday, May 2
- Rambling reflections
- A woman’s place is in the church
- Ways we show welcome
- If the disciples can eat more, why can’t I?
- Thinking of God as Mother: Does it get you closer to God?
- Evangelize with heart
- Better off in the dark
- Women over 50 and HIV/AIDS
- Simplify and organize
- Mischief and rumors are not fruits of the Spirit
- What to celebrate?
- Prayers answered
- Stories of women acting boldly on their faith
- When have you seen this thing called love?
- Feeling like a hypocrite
- What day is it?
- Working for change, here and around the globe
- Haiti: Let’s get busy and shift the media’s focus to the positive
- Responding to earthquake in Haiti
- Harry Reid said what many of us were thinking
- Don’t find me Facebook
- What’s on your top 10 list?
- 2009’s lessons
- The magic of Christmas carols
- Being seen in living color
- Debunking lies and rumors
- This is waiting for the Prince of Peace?
- Women who want to want
- One last Merry Christmas to you
- Marking World AIDS Day
- Addressing climate change is stewardship
- Gossip girls?
- Accessiblity as justice
- The problem of gun violence
- Thinking about the saints in our lives
- How to make a life
- Serving the neighbor
- Barbie’s “cankles” and more body-hating propaganda
- Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-17
- A knife is a knife is a knife? Race and zero-tolerance policies
- Should we put prayer back in public schools?
- What does “daily bread” mean to you?
- Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-10
- We don’t talk anymore, we just shout at each other. And we all lose.
- Neither male nor female?
- Community or clique?
- The blessing of animals
- Funny, how time finds us
- Do you have a story to share?
- What ever happened to civility?
- Forgive us our trespasses
- Why can’t we?
- Bible study? Bible party!
- A ray of sunshine in a dreary, chilly summer
- Women’s Equality Day – How are we doing?
- Keeping in touch
- What a week it’s been
- I was an extra in the movie Uncle Buck
- For the Bible tells me so; health care for all
- Everyone in the pictures
- Prof. Gates, President Obama, and race in the U.S.
- Justice for women brings justice for all humanity
- Pray without ceasing
- Let those who have ears hear
- More thoughts from the young women
Radical Welcome Book Discussion
Triennial Convention 2021
Triennial Convention 2023
- A Bold Life of Faith: Katharina von Bora Luther
- A Different Kind of Journey: Advent as a Walk, Not a Sprint
- Act Boldly Bookmark
- Act Boldly for Health
- Act Boldly for Mission
- Advent: A Season for All Generations
- Adviento: Un tiempo para todas las generaciones
- All About Thankofferings
- Being Good Stewards of Water
- Called to be political
- Called to…series
- Caring for the Earth as God’s People
- Celebra el atrevido día de la mujer
- Celebrating Bold Women’s Day
- Cómo guiar un estudio bíblico
- Cuidamos nuestra Tierra como personas de Dios
- Día de Raquel
- Educar mujeres y niñas saludables: Conectarse con las niñas y brindarles apoyo
- Encuentre su valentía: Una actividad para romper el hielo
- Epifanía: Desarrollo del descubrimiento
- Epiphany: Unfolding the Discovery
- Espacios sagrados
- Filantropía familiar
- Finding Your Bold: An Icebreaker
- Gifts for You: Opening Your Spiritual Gifts
- God Colors Outside the Lines: A Short Workshop on Diversity & God’s Church
- Grace-Full Living
- Historical Timeline of Race Relations
- Hospitalidad: Algo más que ser cálida y amigable
- Hospitality: More Than Warm & Friendly
- How to Have a Helpful Conversation About Race in the Church
- How to Lead a Bible Study
- I Am She
- Journaling
- Kitchen Table Philanthropy
- Knitting as a Spiritual Practice
- La fe habla a través del arte: Expresión visual de nuestras convicciones mas profundas
- Las caras del duelo: Encontrar la plenitud y la paz después de una pérdida
- Las tres estaciones: Un ejercicio de preparación
- Lecciones para las discípulas de hoy
- Lent: Penitence, Pilgrimage, Preparation
- Lessons for Today’s Disciple
- Listening to God
- Listening to the Third Slave
- Living A Life of Daily Bread
- Living Hope: Funeral Hymns & Scripture
- Lleve un diario: Cree sus propias escrituras sagradas
- Looking into the Mirror: A Lenten Reflection
- Los colores de la Navidad: Una reflexión sobre los preparativos navideños
- Mujeres mayores de 50 y VIH o SIDA
- Navigating the Globe
- New! Faithful Friends
- Our Journey to Wellness
- Page Turners: Building a Book Club that Suits Your Style
- Paths to Wholeness
- Pentecost, Prayer & Power
- Pentecostés, plegaria y poder
- Rachel’s Day
- Raising Up Healthy Women & Girls: Connecting with & Supporting Girls
- Resurrection: A Holy Discipline
- Sacred Space as Metaphor
- Sacred Spaces
- Seamos buenos mayordomos del agua
- Seis Modelos Para la Misión
- Senderos de plenitude: Un recurso para retiros
- Shared Wisdom: An Effective Style of Leadership
- Six Models for Mission
- Speaking Faith Through Art
- Stitches & Scripture
- The Colors of Christmas: A Reflection on Preparing for Christmas
- The Faces of Grief
- The Story of Peter and Cornelius
- The Three Stations: A Readiness Exercise
- Todo sobre las Ofrendas de Gracias
- Una audaz vida de fe: Katharina von Bora Lutero
- Una Mirada en el espejo: Una reflexión de Cuaresma
- Understanding & Responding to Human Trafficking
- Vivir llenas de gracia
- Vivir una vida con el pan de cada día
- Women Over 50 & HIV/AIDS
- Yo soy ella
OMS Widgets
- About (mission)
- About (purpose)
- About (Spanish mission)
- About (Spanish purpose)
- Calendar of Board meetings
- Contact (events)
- Devotions
- Donate
- Faithful Friends
- Gift Planning
- Human Trafficking 1 – Open Content
- Human Trafficking 2 – Open Content
- Justice – Image w/ Lightbox
- Justice Current events
- Justice Text
- Katies Fund Donate
- Katies Fund Flyer
- Linda Open Content
- Membership 1 – Open Content
- Nominations Form – Open Content
- Publications – Gather widget
- Publications – Stay in touch
- Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls logo
- Raising Up Healthy Women Image
- Raising Up Healthy Women Links
- RUHWG application
- RUHWG sidebar
- Scholarship Timeline
- Scholarships
- Sign up for Daily Grace
- Stewardship New Year Open Content
- Stewardship.Sidebar – Thankoffering
- Thankoffering 2020
- Thankoffering 2023
- Thankoffering 2024
- Thankoffering service available for download
- Tools for Leaders – Open Content-Gathering 2023 Just Love
- What Thankofferings support
- z – Image w/ Lightbox
- z – Image w/ Link
- z – Open Content
- z – Video
- (Pre-convention) Churchwide executive board meeting
- 2025 Conference of Presidents
- 2025 Leadership Event
- Camp Kinard Retreat 2025 (SC SWO)
- Central States Synodical Women’s Organization convention
- Churchwide executive board meeting
- Churchwide executive board meeting
- Churchwide executive board orientation
- Executive Board Meeting
- Executive Committee Meeting
- Triennial convention
- Triennial gathering
Page Blocks
- 1 Col Image
- 1 Col Text
- 1 Col Video (w/ Thumb)
- 1 Col Video (wo/ Thumb)
- 2 col Slideshow/Text
- 2 Col Text/Image
- 2 Col Text/Video (w/o Thumb)
- 2 Col Video (w/Thumb)/Text
- 2024 Thankoffering Service November 10 2024
- 2024 Thankoffering Service November 10 2024 lIVE feed
- 2 col
- 2122:videokickoffzoom
- 2122.2 col
- 3 col
- 2122.blog2col
- 2122.PromovideoKatiesFundCampaign
- 2122.Seedgrants 3 col
- 2122.Seedgrants week 2 3 col
- 2122.Seedgrants week 3 3 col
- 2122.SWO 3 col
- 2122.videoElizabethBurgess
- 2122.videoElyssaSalinas
- 2122.videoEmmaCrossen
- 3 Column Text
- A Place for You – 2 Col Text/Image
- Alexia Col Text/Video (w/o Thumb)
- All about Thankofferings – 2 Col Image/Text
- Apology TC HOME
- APR.boardA_D.2 Col Text/Image
- APR.boardE.H.2 Col Text/Image
- April 2023 Devotion
- April 2024 devotion
- August 2023 Devotion
- August 2024 devotion
- Backtoschool.Gather
- Bible Study
- Bishop 2 Col Text/Video (w/o Thumb)
- Bold Womens Day- 2 Col Image/Text
- Boldcafe Monthly Dinner
- boldconnections- 2 Col Image/Text
- BWD_after for home page – 2 Col Image/Text
- BWD. fbcover – 2 Col Text/Image
- BWD. resources – 2 Col Text/Image
- BWD.2025 homepage 2 col
- BWD.Letter
- BWD.Litany2024
- BWD.Liturgy
- BWD.Resources 3 Column Text
- BWD.Resources 3 Column Text
- Cafe – 2 Col Image/Text
- Cafe for home page – 2 Col Image/Text
- Cafe_Home page resource
- Campus.application2 col Slideshow/Text
- CherishChildren – 2 Col Image/Text
- Conv offering video 2 Col Text/Image
- Convention Eleventh home – 2 Col Image/Text
- CU data SWO web pages and leaders report
- Current Events – 2 Col Image/Text
- Daily Grace Page Block
- December 2023 Devotion
- December 2024 Devotion
- December devotion 2022
- – 2 Col Text/Image
- Devotions
- DFIC.letter snippet
- Donate 1
- Donate 2 – 2 col text/image
- Epiphany resource- 2 Col Image/Text
- Events 2024- 2 Col Image/Text
- Events. WHM series new
- Executive Board Portal 2024 2 Col Image/Text
- Explor. Media top 1 Col Text
- Explor. Stories 3 Column Text
- Explor.Articles two.2 Col Text/Image
- Explor.Constitution.four.2 Col Text/Image
- Explor.History one.2 Col Text/Image
- Explor.Podcast.two.2 Col Text/Image
- Explor.Quest 1 Col Text
- Explor.Reflections three.2 Col Text/Image
- Explor.Videot.three.2 Col Text/Image
- Exploratory Com2 col Slideshow/Text
- Exploratory committee home page_2 Col Text/Image
- Explore. 1 Col Video (wo/ Thumb)
- Faithful Friends
- Faithful Friends home – 2 Col Image/Text
- February 2023 Devotion
- February 2024 Devotion
- FF.gathering.teaforone
- FF.Video 2 Col Text/Image
- FFgathering.postcard
- FFgathering.Speakers
- 2 col
- Forsuch. Main 2 col
- ForSuch. Welcome
- Forsuch.Agenda Revise 3 Column Text
- Forsuch.Offering 2 Col Text/Image
- Forsuch.Regions Revise 3 Column Text
- ForSuch.Speakers
- forSuch.Survey
- ForSuch.Training 3 col
- ForSuch.Videodaytwo. 2 col
- Forsuch.Workbook 2 Col Text/Image
- FORSUCH.ZoomCol Text/Image
- Full Width Background Block
- gather – 2 Col Image/Text
- Gather Apology
- Gather Bible study home – 2 Col Image/Text
- Gather Magazine
- Gather Magazine Fall
- gather.apology.3.23.2023
- Gather.summer.study_2 Col Text/Image
- Col Text/Image
- Get Involved Block
- Gift Planning 1
- Gift Planning 2
- Gift Planning 3
- God’s Gift of Money: Stewarding Money Wisely recording, November 4, 2003
- Holiday gifts to Katiesfund HOME
- home.blueChristmas 2 col
- home.blueChristmas Video 2 col
- Home.GivingTuesday
- home.KatiesBirthday 2 col
- home.Spanish resources 2 col
- Home.strategic 2024- 2 Col Image/Text
- Home.THANK YOUGivingTuesday
- Home1 – 2 Col Text/Image
- Home2 – Full Width Background Block
- Houge 2 Col Text/Video (w/o Thumb)
- HT 2 – 2 Col Video (w/Thumb)/Text
- HT1 – 2 Col Text/Image
- HT1_2018 – 2 Col Text/Image
- HT2a – YGexhibit2015-2 Col Image/Text
- HT3 – 3 Column Text
- HT4 – 1 Col Text
- HTprayers – 2 Col Image/Text
- HTprayers 28 Prayers Home – 2 Col Image/Text
- HumanTraffickingAwareMonthhome – 2 Col Image/Text
- Identity boxes – 2 Col Image/Text
- Immersion home – 2 Col Image/Text
- Intercambio back issues image/text
- Interchange back issues image/text
- Interchange back issues text/image
- Interchange/Intercambio for home page – 2 Col Image/Text
- Interchange/Intercambio- 2 Col Image/Text
- – 2 Col Text/Image
- January 2023 devotion
- January 2024 Devotion
- January 2025 Devotion
- JL24.Faces of Grief
- JL24.Faces of Grief gather
- July 2023 Devotion
- July 2024 devotion
- June 2023 Devotion
- June 2024 devotion
- Just.BHM 2 col Image/text
- Just.calledtobepolitical 2 col Image/text
- Just.DV.GenderViolence2 Col Text/Image
- Just.DV.Wheel2 Col Text/Image
- Justice Books recommended 2 Col Text/Image
- justice other resources 3 Col text
- Justice Other.part 2 3 Col text
- Justice page.list books 3 Column Text
- Justice1 – 2 Col Text/Image
- Justice2 – 2 Col Image/Text
- Justice3 – 3 Column Text
- Justlove.stayintouch
- Katie’s Fund Recipients 2 col
- Katies Fund 1
- Katies Fund 2
- Katies Fund 3
- katies fund. from homepage 3.23.23
- Katies Bishop Eaton 2 col
- Katiesfund Skit new
- KatiesFund.financialseries
- KatiesFund.financialseries.Oct14recording
- KatiesFund.financialseries.Oct21recording
- KatiesFund.financialseries.Oct28recording
- KatiesFund.financialseries.Oct7recording
- KellyFryer – 2 Col Text/Image
- Khabeb 2 Col Text/Video (w/o Thumb)
- Lenten resources.2 col
- Leymah Col Text/Video (w/o Thumb)
- Linda 2-Column Text/Image
- Liturgical year resources home – 2 Col Image/Text
- livefaith.Regions Revise 3 Column Text
- livfaith.Agenda Revise 3 Column Text
- LivFaith.ZoomCol Text/Image
- living.giftsCol Text/Image
- living.powerpiont.Col Text/Image
- living.Speakers
- Livingfaithful. Welcome
- Livingfaithful.main
- Livingfaithful.Theme.1
- day2
- Logo page – 2 Col Text/Image
- LPB Thanks on Katiesfund HOME
- March 2023 Devotion
- March 2024 devotion
- Mary Jo 2 Col Text/Video (w/o Thumb)
- May 2023 Devotion
- May 2024 devotion
- Mem.SpecialUnit 2 Col Text/Image
- Membership-Welcome flyer – 2 Col Text/Image
- Membership1 – 2 Col Text/Image
- Membership2 – 2 Col Image/Text
- Membership2 – 2 Col Image/Text
- Membership3 – 2 Col Text/Image
- Meta 2 Col Text/Video (w/o Thumb)
- ministry action – get involved
- Mission statement – 1 Col Text
- Monthly Devotion
- Monthly Devotion DEC 2021
- Monthly Devotion FEB 2022
- Monthly Devotion June 2022
- Monthly Devotion new
- Monthly Devotion: April 2022
- Monthly Devotion: February 2022
- Monthly Devotion: March 2022
- New Program Year – 2 Col Image/Text
- November 2022 Devotion
- November 2023 Devotion
- November 2024 devotion
- October 2022 monthly devotion
- October 2023 Devotion
- October 2024 devotion
- Order Thankoffering Envelopes
- PDP.home.2 col/text
- Piv Text/Video FRIDAY (w/o Thumb)
- Piv Text/Video Moving the mission forward (w/o Thumb)
- Piv Text/Video Saturday (w/o Thumb)
- Piv. journalCol Text/Image
- Piv. Welcome
- Piv.Agenda Revise 3 Column Text
- Piv.FFCol Text/Image
- Piv.giftsCol Text/Image
- Piv.questionsCol Text/Image
- Piv.RecipesCol Text/Image
- Piv.Speakers
- Piv.Thankofferinglabel Col Text/Image
- Piv.WorshipCol Text/Image
- Piv.Zooms 3 Column Text
- Preregister 2020 – 2 Col Image/Text
- Rachels Day_resource_2 Col Text/Image
- RachelsDay 2 col
- Racial1 – 3 Column Text
- Resurrection resource- 2 Col Image/Text
- RJAN- JUNE ZOOM part 1- 2 Col Image/Text
- RJAN- JUNE ZOOM part 2- 2 Col Image/Text
- RJAN-Now is the time blog 5 part 2 Col Image/Text
- RJAN-Racial Justice Advocacy network 2 Col Image/Text
- RJAN.books – 3 Column Text/image
- RUHWG Application – 2 Col Image/Text
- RUHWG resource – 2 Col Image/Text
- Scholarship app opens – 2 Col Text/Image
- Scholarship app opens 2025 – 2 Col Text/Image
- scholarship donate – 2 Col Image/Text
- September 2022 monthly devotion
- September 2023 Devotion
- September 2024 devotion
- Servant Toolbox.main
- Servant. Welcome
- Servant.Speakers
- Servant.Theme
- Shop1 – 2 Col Text/Image
- Shop2 – 2 Col Image/Text
- Special Initiatives
- Special.friendinChrist-2 col/text
- Stewardship Interchange – 2 Col Image/Text
- Stewardship Resources
- Stewardship Resources 1
- Stewardship Resources 2
- SWO leader guide _ write resolution _ travel policy
- Synodical Women’s Organization 1
- Synodical Women’s Organization 2
- Synodical Women’s Organization 3
- TC offering 1 Col Video (w/ Thumb)
- TC PastPresidents 1 Col Video (w/ Thumb)
- TC2020.Budgethearing2 Col Text/Image
- TC2020.FIRST.2 Col Text/Image
- TC2020.FOURTH.2 Col Text/Image
- TC2020.Second2 Col Text/Image
- TC2020.THIRD.2 Col Text/Image
- TC2021.Lumi training
- story
- TC2021.Offering
- TC2023 Twelfth triennial convention pageblock 2 col
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- TC2023.Second2 Col Text/Image
- TC2023.THIRD.2 Col Text/Image
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- TDTR.Eval.2 Col Text/Image
- TDTR.Part1.2 Col Text/Image
- TDTR.Part2.2 Col Text/Image
- TDTR.Part3.2 Col Text/Image
- TenthConvention – 2 Col Text/Image
- TenthConventionPhotos – 2 Col Text/Image
- Testimonial Block
- Text & Text KC
- TG2020 exhibitor.vendor.2 Col Text/Image
- TG2020 flyer moved.2 Col Text/Image
- TG2020 Photos to promo 2 col Slideshow/Text
- TG2020 PostTour 2 Col Text/Image
- TG2020 promo.2 Col Text/Image
- TG2020 RWR 2 col Slideshow/Text
- TG2020 Schedule 2 col Slideshow/Text
- TG2020 Tours 2 col Slideshow/Text
- TG2020 Video to promo 2 col Video/Text
- TG2020 Visit Phoenix PDF.2 Col Text/Image
- TG2020.PRETours 3 Column Text
- TG2020.QueenCreekOliveMill3 Column Text
- TG2020.VideoPhoenix.covid
- tg2023 Blood drive
- TG2023 Convention Center Cash converter
- TG2023 exhibitor.vendor.2 Col Text/Image
- TG2023 Gathering app
- TG2023 Getting around Phoenix
- TG2023 Home.RWR.2 Col Text/Image
- TG2023 logo- 3 Column Text
- TG2023 Phoenix ambassadors
- TG2023 Scooter and Wheelchair rental
- TG2023 Tours 2 col Slideshow/Text
- TG2023 Visit Phoenix travel guide
- Tg2023.Desmoines
- TG2023.inkind
- TG2023.quilt
- TG2023.Servantevents
- tg2023.sponsors
- TG2023.workshops
- tg23Speakersnew
- Thank.Thanksgiving Everyday. 2 col Image/text
- Thankoffering Service
- Thankoffering service home – 2 Col Image/Text
- Thankoffering service home – 2 Col Image/Text
- Thankoffering1 – 2 Col Text/Image
- Thankoffering2 – 2 Col Image/Text
- Tools-SWO Region.President – 2 Col Text/Image
- Tools.trainingsMay14
- tools.videotrainings.April30
- Tools1 – 2 Col Image/Text logo
- Tools4 – 2 Col Image/Text
- Tools6 – 3 Column Text
- Treasurers info 3 column
- Triennial 6 – 1 Col Text
- Triennial photos & videos – 2 Col Image/Text
- Triennial1 – 2 Col Text/Image
- Triennial2 – 2 Col Image/Text
- Triennial3 – 2 Col Text/Image
- Triennial4 – 2 Col Image/Text
- Triennial5 – 2 Col Text/Image
- TwelfthConventionPhotos – 2 Col Text/Image
- VBS.Gather
- VBS.Juiceandcookie recipe
- VBS.prayerbeads
- VBS.RachelKurtz
- VBS.scavenger
- VBS.solo
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- VIRT. Register
- VIRT.QuiltChal2 Col Text/Image
- VIRT.ServantEvent2 Col Text/Image
- Virt.Speaker.Ang.Rach.Jen
- Virtual prayer – 2 Col Image/Text
- Virtual.nlve3
- WELCA Campus application
- WORKINGRJAN.Zoom.June2020 – 3 Column Text
- Worship
- YG.Human Trafficking.firstgiving – 2 Col Image/Text
- z Green CTA Block
- z New 50/50 Map Block
- z New Blog Preview Block
- z New Speaker Block
- z
- z Speaker.onewith Angela
- z Testimonial Block
- z Testimonial Block-firsttime