Earlier this year five online training sessions were held as a follow-through to the ‘For Such A Time As This: Spirit Fed, Spirit Led’ leadership event held in February. These sessions were designed to further help leaders make the connection between serving in a leader position (the “how to get the job done”) and being a servant leader (the “why it is we serve”). It’s clear. When a good connection is made between the “how” and the “why,” we can relieve burnout, get inspired to reboot, involve more women, and more effectively live out the purpose and mission of Women of the ELCA.
The biblical foundation for the training sessions was Acts 6:1-7, where the twelve disciples realized that more leaders were needed for the rapidly growing new church. The community discerned a problem and, collectively, with all participating, the community determined a solution. Additional leaders for the new church were found, and responsibility was turned over to them.
Using that as a model for Women of the ELCA, participants in the training sessions were asked to discern problems facing their synodical organizations. Then they were asked to invite all women – not just women currently in leadership roles – to assist in determining solutions to those problems. And then – perhaps the most challenging task – current leaders must turn over responsibility to the newly-found leaders.
Participants were reminded that nothing in our mission or purpose statements imposes barriers to leadership. No woman in our community is “too old or too young” to lead. Lack of experience isn’t a barrier nor is being “not Lutheran enough.” Each woman is called and can respond, “Here I am Lord, send me.”
Each one-hour training session concluded with a look at specific responsibilities set forth in the churchwide and synodical constitutions followed by a question-and-answer session.
Five training sessions were held, and all were recorded. You can visit the Tools for Leaders page of our website to watch any or all of the sessions.