Lutheran women have a long history of Bible study, discipleship, and desire to deepen their spiritual life and learn about issues.
Women of the ELCA offers free, downloadable program resources—all in English and many in Spanish—to help you grow in faith and engage in ministry and action.
Called to be Political explores the Christian call and responsibility of civic engagement. This updated and refreshed version of our popular resource includes the reflection of four Lutheran women on faith and politics. Additional listings of current voting and advocacy resources are included.
Mujeres de la ELCA ofrece seis modelos diferentes para la organización de su unidad para la misión. Puede ajustarlos todos o incluso crear otros modelos para obtener el ajuste perfecto para su unidad. Recuerde, hay espacio para la flexibilidad, la creatividad y un lugar para que todos puedan participar.
Make an Act Boldly bookmark or bracelet to remind yourself to be bold.
Nuestra misión nos llama a actuar con valentía. ¿Qué significa esto? Una variedad de cosas, porque audacia tiene una gama de voces. Unas son brillante y fuerte. Otras son firme y silenciosas. ¿Sabes lo que es tu “mejor audaz”? Este programa le ayudará a descubrirlo y ponerlo en acción! Yo soy ella puede ser utilizada en un entorno congregacional, como un evento, o como parte de una convencion sinodal. Podría realizarse en cinco a seis semanas o en un fin de semana. Reclama audazmente tu audacia hoy, declarando, “Yo soy ella!”
Our mission statement calls us to act boldly. What does this mean? It means a variety of things, for boldness has a range of voices. Some is bright and loud. Some is firm and quiet. Do you know what is your “best bold”? This program will help you discover it and put it into action! I Am She can be used in a congregational setting, as a conference event, or as part of a synodical convention. It could be conducted over five to six weeks or as a weekend retreat. So boldly claim your boldness today, declaring, “I am she!”
El Día de las Mujeres Valientes —que se festeja anualmente el cuarto domingo de febrero— celebra a todas las mujeres luteranas que han actuado o actúan con valentía en base a su fe en Jesucristo. Descargar . Visite nuestra página del Día de las Mujeres valientes ara obtener recursos y certificados.
Celebrating Bold Women’s Day is full of ideas to make your celebration special. Updated in 2017, the resource will help you design an event just right for the women in your congregation or community. Be creative. Instead of or in addition to a group observance, women in your congregation can celebrate Bold Women’s Day individually. You’ll find all this and more in this handy planning resource. Visit our Bold Women’s Day page for promotional resources and certificates.
Women of the ELCA offers six different models for organizing your unit for mission. You can adjust them all or even create other models to get just the right fit for your unit. Remember, there is room for flexibility, creativity and a place for everyone to participate.