Join us! Participants of Women of the ELCA gather in and outside of ELCA congregations in the United States and the Caribbean for service, study, advocacy, fellowship and more!
Get involved today by forming an active Women of the ELCA unit in your congregation or in your community. Let us help you connect with an amazing group of mentors and make life-long friendships. Start now!
There are four ways to be a recognized active unit:
ONE > Meet together for study, support and mission
Subscribe to Gather magazine and meet for Bible study. Read or meet to discuss articles in our monthly online magazine,, for and with young adult women and their friends.
TWO > Participate in the ministry of Women of the ELCA beyond your congregation Learn more about local WELCA conventions in your synod. Attend a triennial gathering.
THREE > Support financially the total program of Women of the ELCA
Your regular offerings support ministries and resources that inspire and mobilize women around the world.
FOUR > Designate leadership to communicate with synodical and churchwide women’s organization
When you are an active recognized unit you will be connected to news and other happenings throughout the organization. You will be the first to know of what’s happening near you and across the ELCA. You will have access to our on-line resources to share with your group. We’ll also be able to know who you are and your contribution to the overall mission of the organization.
In addition, you will be connected to your local synodical president and learn how you can complete a constitution and bylaws form.