Every month I read several newsletters from 64 synodical women’s organizations (SWOs). It’s one way I link to the work women are passionate about. The newsletters are full of information and stories worthy of sharing about the mission and purpose of the organization.
The collective work we accomplish together is amazing, and we can all get excited by spreading the good news beyond newsletters and conventions!
I love knowing that—through synodical newsletters—women see photos worthy of a 1,000 words from their gatherings and get information about resources, events and programs in other regions. They also receive information about scholarship and grant opportunities, Gather Bible study, Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls and stewardship initiatives.
I learn through newsletters that synodical women’s organizations are attempting to fulfill memorial and resolution requirements adopted at the 2014 triennial convention.
Sharing your passion about the work of Women of the ELCA can be done in many ways. We can reach women in our congregation and young mothers on the soccer field by sharing our stories. One story told to one woman can create a ripple effect when she shares that story with another woman.
Introduce women to the organization you are passionate about through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Café or by giving them a subscription to Gather. Share the ways they can stay connected with their faith community through Bold Connections and Daily Grace. Show them how they can explore our organization through our website.
What is the good news you can share about Women of the ELCA? We can make a place for all women in our community.
Eva James Yeo is director for membership for Women of the ELCA.