- Executive board touring Spokane, WA, site of 2011 triennial gathering. Loving the sites and local hospitality! #
- Today is World Food Day. We pray for and support those who are working to end hunger both here in the United States and around the world. #
- Women are the greatest possible weapon against poverty and disease, http://bit.ly/3EJzna (via @womensfunding) How are you such a weapon? #
- RT @Boldcafe: In honor of Love Your Body Day (Oct. 21), check out Cafe's article, "Body Loving," by Karris Golden http://bit.ly/4aThIC #
- More than 1 in 8 Women in the US lived in Poverty in 08. What are you doing for World Poverty Day? (via @womensfunding) #
- Women's Giving Circles Are Rapidly Expanding! http://bit.ly/1hFjz (via @womensfunding) any Lutheran women doing this? We want to know. #
- 2/3 of children denied primary education worldwide are girls. What are you going to do for World Poverty Day on 10/17? (via @womensfunding) #
- Are you meeting as a Cafe group in your church or at a local cafe? How did you start? (via @Boldcafe) #
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