Women of the ELCA took eight awards at the 2017 Associated Church Press (ACP) convention awards ceremony in Chicago, Ill., on April 28.
Last month Women of the ELCA took four DeRose-Hinkhouse awards March 30 at the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) convention also in Chicago.
The awards were given for work completed in 2016.
“The extraordinary work of our staff and the many writers who contribute to our publications help all women in the church build community and live the life of a disciple each and every day,” said Linda Post Bushkofsky, executive director of Women of the ELCA.
At ACP, Gather, the magazine of Women of the ELCA, won awards in seven categories. They are:
Best in Class, magazine, special interest, honorable mention, Gather magazine, Elizabeth Hunter and Sarah Carson
Magazine cover: award of excellence, Gather magazine September cover, illustration by Chelsea Stephen (at left)
Humor: award of merit, “Walking fools” by Christa von Zychlin
Biblical Interpretation: honorable mention, “The Ten Commandments: a way to spiritual renewal” by Barbara Berry Bailey
Devotional/Inspirational (short format): award of excellence, “Weak spots“ by Abby Accettura
Devotional/Inspirational (long format): award of merit, “The way is through” by Amy White
Bible reference: award of merit, Gather magazine’s fall Bible study, “When God’s Not Fair,” by Meghan Johnston Aelabouni
Also at ACP, Cafe: Stirring the spirit within, Women of the ELCA’s online magazine for young adult women, won an award of excellence in the category of podcasts. Cafe Editor Elizabeth McBride and Josh Ginter took that award.
At RCC, Women of the ELCA took four DeRose-Hinkhouse awards March 30 at the Religion Communicators Council convention in Chicago.
In public relations/advertising campaigns, Women of the ELCA (Linda Post Bushkofsky, Elizabeth McBride and Terri Lackey) won an award of excellence for best display or exhibit. The exhibit was at the Churchwide Assembly in New Orleans.
In public relations materials, advertisement/single issue, Elizabeth McBride and Elizabeth Hunter won an award of merit for “Change is Good.”
In the publications writing category, Sarah Carson received an award of excellence for an article in Gather magazine, “It was kind of you to share my distress.”
In the digital communication category, Elizabeth McBride won an award of merit for Café’s podcasts.
“Theologian Frederick Buechner said that the story of any one of us is in the some measure the story of us all,” Post Bushkofsky said. “And that’s the beauty of the stories of Gather and Cafe and the work of Women of the ELCA honored by ACP and RCC: We find ourselves in the stories of others and those others walk the spiritual journey with us, offering solace, inspiration, encouragement and love.”