Voting members approved constitutional changes that reduced the size of its churchwide board from 21 to 15 members while making it more inclusive. They also elected new churchwide officers and an executive board, adopted a 2022 budget, and approved several memorials during an online meeting, Aug. 3-5.
Voting members of the Eleventh Triennial Convention will elect officers and women to serve on the churchwide executive board for the remainder of 2020-2023 triennium.
The convention offering will be divided equally between Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest and the ongoing ministries of the churchwide women’s organization, as designated by the churchwide executive board.
Individual gifts may be made online using a credit or debit card by going to and selecting “Triennial Convention Offering 2021” as the designation. Alternately, a personal check made payable to Women of the ELCA, with “triennial convention offering” noted on the memo line, can be mailed to: Women of the ELCA, c/o ELCA Gift Processing, PO Box 1809, Merrifield VA 22116-8009.
Gifts from congregational units (form B) and synodical women’s organizations (form C) should be drawn on the group’s checking account so proper credit can be given the group. Make checks payable to Women of the ELCA, with “triennial convention offering” noted on the memo line. Mail the group’s check to: Women of the ELCA, c/o ELCA Gift Processing, PO Box 1809, Merrifield VA 22116-8009.