News from the spring 2013 executive board meeting
The churchwide executive board of Women of the ELCA met April 20-21, 2013, at the Lutheran Center, Chicago, Il., receiving recommendations from the 2013 Conference of Synodical Presidents, designating offerings for the Ninth Triennial Convention and the 2014 Triennial Gathering and adopting proposed rules of procedure for the next triennial convention, among other things.
Ninth Triennial Convention
The Ninth Triennial Convention of Women of the ELCA will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina, July 22-24, 2014. The board approved proposed rules of procedure for the convention. It designated offerings received for the convention to be distributed in this fashion: 25% to Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service that will be celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2014; 25% to On Eagle’s Wings Ministries, a North Carolina-based organization that restores women and girls who have been sexually exploited through the commercial sex industry; and 50% to the ongoing churchwide ministries of Women of the ELCA.
Recommendations from Conference of Presidents
The executive committee referred a recommendation from the 2013 Conference of Synodical Presidents on program resources and education for parents and families of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and questioning community to the board’s programs and communication committee. Three recommendations regarding logistical issues for the triennial convention and gathering were referred to the executive director.
Other matters
The board designated offerings for the 2014 Triennial Gathering in this fashion: 25% to Women of the ELCA scholarships; 25% to the Katharina von Bora Luther Endowment Fund (known as “Katie’s Fund”); and 50% to the “International Leaders” portion of the ELCA’s 25th Anniversary Fundraising campaign to provide scholarships to 125 young women from global companion churches. Pending approval by the 2013 Churchwide Assembly, the campaign aims to raise $185 million over five years to meet multiple goals.
The board established a calendar for the 2014-2017 triennium. The board learned that the executive committee of the board had revised and updated the position description for the position of executive director. The executive committee also reported out on research completed by an ad hoc task force regarding the role of churchwide representative at synodical conventions.
In ongoing matters, the board heard reports from the president, treasurer, executive director and staff (including a report on the 25th Anniversary Trip to Liberia), engaged in stewardship education and racial justice advocacy education, received reports from advisors and Church Women United and reviewed board members’ participation in the 2012 conventions of synodical women’s organizations.
A matter of new business that proposed creating a task force to explore the possibility of a joint churchwide event with Lutheran Men in Mission was defeated.
The board’s next meeting is October 18-19, 2013, in Chicago.