Please make sure that any offerings, gifts, or remittances from the synodical women’s organization to the churchwide women’s organization are mailed on or before January 15. Our fiscal year ends on January 31.
It used to be that offerings postmarked by January 31 would be included in the year’s figures, but now the ELCA’s gift processing department uses the date that the remittance is received. So please mail your year-end offerings, special gifts, and other remittances by January 15, 2016.
SWO treasurers, please use Form C for your remittances to the churchwide organization. You can download Form C for no charge; just click the link. Thank you!
The address to mail all offerings and remittances to the churchwide organization is:
Women of the ELCA
ELCA Gift Processing Center
P.O. Box 1809
Merrifield, VA 22116-8009