Most of us who become parents have that defining moment. You know the one. You are lecturing speaking to your child and an out-of-body experience occurs. You hear yourself saying words that are not your own. From your mouth are coming forth the words of your mother. Words that when you had heard them for the umpteenth time as a child or, more likely, a teenager, you swore you’d never ever utter. But yet, utter you have!
Truth is, moms (and dads and aunties and all those who love us) have some great words of wisdom. We don’t always have to admit it, but it’s true. And it may just be that for most of us, as we age we find out more and more just how much our moms really know (or knew).
In honor of Mother’s Day, we asked our Facebook community to share the best piece of advice received from mom (or a motherly figure). Here are a few nuggets of advice. To read them all, go to our “Advice from Mom” board on Pinterest. To add your own, post a comment below.
Anne’s mom: Pick your battles.
Sharon’s mom: Always remember God loves you!
Judy’s mother: This too shall pass.
Sue’s mom: People are more important than things.
Debbie’s mama: Do something nice for someone everyday and listen more than you speak.
Karen’s mother: Celebrate birthdays — they remind us of the gift of life!
Jeanne’s mom: Enjoy the moment. Time goes by so fast.