The billboard read: “It’s not a resolution. It’s a lifestyle.” No, this wasn’t an evangelism effort of a Christian church. It was an advertisement for a brand of beer.
I don’t know how well that particular beer sold because of that ad campaign. But I do think “It’s not a resolution. It’s a lifestyle.” is an accurate description of the Christian life. Our faith is not just a series of resolutions, kept or un-kept.
Christianity invites us in to a certain lifestyle.
As Christians we care about the food we eat (Who grew it? Were insecticides used? Is it genetically modified?). We ask hard questions about our clothing (Was God’s land polluted in growing the cotton? Were fair wages earned in making the clothes?).
We consider how we spend our time (Do we give time serving others? Are we squandering time in unproductive ways? Do we busy up our lives with meaningless activities? Do we observe the Sabbath?).
Everything we do in the way we order and live out our days should be shaped by our faith.
That’s not to say we can’t make resolutions–they can truly be helpful. In a way, that whole season of Lent that soon will be upon us (Ash Wednesday is February 10) is filled with resolutions–fasting, alms-giving, prayer–as we intentionally re-align our lives with the very core expectations of the faithful life.
Whether we begin 2016 with resolutions or not, may this year be one in which we all critically examine our actions, habits and choices as disciples of Christ Jesus.
Linda Post Bushkofsky is executive director of Women of the ELCA.
Photo by Frankspotter Photography, used with permission