
A community of women on campus

Your campus group can be an active participant of Women of the ELCA (WELCA), the women’s organization of the ELCA. With over 4,500 active units in congregations across the ELCA in the U.S. and the caribbean, your group can engage together in service, Bible study and fellowship while supporting the largest organization in the ELCA church dedicated to the health and wellness of women and girls.

The status as an active Special Unit on a campus entitles you to these benefits:

Participate in service

Women of the ELCA focuses on these four areas related to justice for women and girls: Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, Immigration and anti-racism education. Groups active in Women of the ELCA make contacts in their own communities to support women’s organizations related to those area. Learn more about our justice work and how to get your group involved.

Support financially the ministry

Every active group sends in financial giving to their regional Synodical Women’s Organization (SWO), by way of offerings to support the total ministry of the women’s organization. Your campus group can take an offering at events, retreats and meetings. Learn more about raising money for your unit, sending in Regular Offerings and Thankofferings.

Meet for fellowship and study

Women of the ELCA also commits to meeting to strengthen their faith through reading the Bible and supporting other women of faith. The print publication of the organization, Gather magazine, helps to inform and strengthen the daily lives of women and includes short Bible Studies with discussion questions that are written by ELCA Lutheran theologians and pastors., the organization’s on-line magazine written mostly by young adult women of faith, features monthly articles about relationships, vocation and more. Every issue can be turned into a faith-conversation with a closing prayer and discussion questions. Boldcafe groups also meet at cafe’s on college campuses.