NEWSWEEK recently conducted a survey of corporate hiring managers and the general public that confirmed what a lot of us already suspected: From hiring to promotions, looks matter. The eight most interesting revelations, as listed by Newsweek:
1. Just Admit It: Looks Do Matter at Work
2. Looks Matter More Than Education, Apparently
3. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. (Botox, anyone?)
4. Yes, We Knew This: It’s Worse for Women
5. We Hate Fat People—Even Though Most of Us Are Fat
6. We Also Dislike Old People
7. And Apparently We Think “Lookism” Is OK. (In Certain Situations.)
8. Don’t Throw Yourself Off the Balcony Yet—Confidence Is Important, Too!
Are you surprised by the results of this poll, or do they confirm what you already knew? Have you ever thought your looks affected whether you were hired for a job, turned down for a job or promoted?
Are the expectations around “looking good” different for women?