Nominations for Women of the ELCA leadership in the 2017-2020 triennium are being received through November 30, 2016. The nominating committee will consider nominations for secretary, treasurer and board members.
You should obtain the consent of the person you nominate before submitting her name. Only nomination forms submitted online will be accepted.
Voting members of the Tenth Triennial Convention (July 11-13, 2017) will elect four officers and 17 women to serve on the churchwide executive board as part of the business they will conduct.
The president and vice president are elected at the convention by nominating ballot; thus no advance nominations are needed for these two positions (see the churchwide women’s organization constitution, Article XIV, Section 5, items 1–2).
The Tenth Triennial Convention of Women of the ELCA will be held in Minneapolis, Minn. Find the nomination form here.