by Eva James Yeo
It’s a New Year! Take time to imagine how you can continue to boldly redefine women’s ministry in 2016? Are you ready for the challenge? Our mission statement—“Mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ”—should give you the charge you need to help all women find their place in Women of the ELCA.
I want to invite you to consider how you might mobilize the next generation of girls, young adults and women of all ages to become a part of this community of women.
As you gather in your congregational units, I invite you to think about transformation and growth in a new way. Transformation can be challenging because it is part of the unknown. It is unpredictable, exciting and possibly radically different.
Have you evaluated your model for mission lately?
If not, discuss what has worked for your unit and what has not. Begin to redefine your unit’s mission by encouraging women to participate for the first time. You might tweak what has worked and let go of what hasn’t. Evaluating and assessing your model for mission can help you target areas of weakness, growth and renewal.
Personally invite all women in your congregation to be a part of your evaluation and planning for the New Year. Provide a place in your discussion for young adult women to share what interests them. Hearing the voices of all women—those who participate now and those who might not know about the organization yet—may spark interests and ideas and offer a place for women to be heard and supported.
Eva James Yeo is director for membership for Women of the ELCA. She supports congregational, intercongregational and special units. For help with starting or reorganizing your unit, call or email Eva, 800-638-3522 ex. 2450; [email protected]
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Share your storyBelow is a list of several ideas that was generated at the Ninth Triennial Gathering workshop, Streets to live in: a WELCA model. Is your group interested in transforming these ideas into a new ministry? Do you have an active ministry you would like to share? Share your ideas by emailing me at [email protected].