My two daughters have blessed me with three grandchildren ages 10, 6 and 1. My oldest daughter has to be at work at 5:30 a.m. so she drops her two off with me in the morning at 5:00. Yesterday I had all of them. While getting them ready for school, I said to myself, “I don’t know how working mothers do it.” I then reflected on my own life. Twenty years ago, I was in the same boat. I had three children ages 10, 6 and 1. And guess what? I made it.
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Philippians 3:13). Whenever I feel overwhelmed, this has been my verse to live by: realizing that some things are too big for me to handle on my own but with God, all things are possible!
Deborah Calvert is associate executive director.
Photo by Alan Myers. Used with permission.