You are invited to share your thoughts and reflections, hopes, dreams, poetry, drawings, pictures, paintings, writings … basically any kind of creative effort … on the phrase “give us today our daily bread” which is the theme for the 2010 Lutheran World Federation Assembly.
Go to this Facebook page to share your creativity. Your creativity will assist women from around the globe as they come together 27-31 October 2009 in Bossey, Switzerland for a pre-assembly meeting. We’re using this Facebook effort as a way to gather North American thoughts and images on “give us today our daily bread.” Go there now and you’ll see comments about fry bread, corn bread and biscuits.
What kind of bread did you grow up with? What kind of bread do you bite into and immediately think “I’m home”? For me, it’s corn bread and biscuits.
- Corn bread in my grandmother’s cast iron skillet
- Southern biscuits