I’ve had a few health struggles over the last year (doctors think it’s an auto-immune disease). One day earlier this month I was having some issues with lightheadedness and nausea, so I decided to take a cab home from work, rather than walk to the train.
A guy who works on my floor (not in my department) was trying to get by me on my slow and cautious walk to the elevator. I apologized for holding him up. I said I was feeling ill and was a little dizzy. I don’t know him well, but I work with his sister.
It was clear that he was headed for the men’s restroom. Without any comment, he changed course, got in the elevator with me, and waited with me for the cab–not saying anything about it, just making small talk.
Finally I asked him: “Al, did you come down here with me to make sure I would be okay?” And his reply: “Kate, I know you would do it for me.” When the cab came, he opened the car door, put my backpack on the seat, and told me he hoped I would feel better. His act of kindness put the whole day in a much better light.
Have you been the recipient of unexpected acts of kindness? Have you done them for others?
Kate Sprutta Elliott is the editor of Gather magazine.
Photo by Chris Eason. Used with permission.