Women of the ELCA welcomes women of all ages to become involved in a community that gathers to grow in faith and live our faith through ministry and action.
For 30 years, women have lived out the purpose of this organization. They are committed to grow in faith, affirm each others’ gifts, support one another in their callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.
Recruiting new members to experience the organization is a way to build on what we can accomplish together. We are being transformed by the gifts and talents that all women bring as we act boldly to carry out our purpose.
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Let’s celebrate how we can make history in the next 10 years.
Here are 10 ways you can invite and attract new members.
- Host an open house.
- Organize a service project that reaches out to your local community.
- Invite women to attend a retreat or special event.
- Give prospective members a subscription to Gather.
- Invite women to a Bible study and offer them a ride, if needed.
- Share your experience of Women of the ELCA with a woman over coffee.
- Invite new members to a collaboration event to share new ideas.
- Share Cafe, our online magazine for young adult women and their friends.
- Meet at a different location.
- Share a Women of the ELCA resource and identity item.
Can you name a creative way you have introduced women to the organization?
Eva Yeo is director for membership for Women of the ELCA. Email her to find out how to become a part of the organization.