This summer, you can take part in a three-session Bible study written by Kelly Fryer and published in Gather, the magazine of Women of the ELCA.
In “All Anew: Ready or Not,” Fryer challenges us to consider what we’re really asking for when we plead with God for renewal. Renewal is a process much like giving birth—beautiful and essential for life, but not “nice.” Like giving birth, renewal “produces pain, requires sacrifice and makes a really big mess,” Fryer says.
Those attending the Tenth Triennial Gathering will receive free copies of the Bible study. Learn more about Gather Bible studies and subscribe.
Session titles are:
Session 1: Say goodbye to nice
For the heroes and “sheroes” of the biblical story, being part of the “new” thing God was doing often meant having to do and say things that were unpopular with family, friends and neighbors. What truths need to be told in the places where you live, work, worship and play? Are you ready?
Session 2: Stand with the least of these
The biblical story tells us that whenever God does a new thing, it happens in, through and with people who live on the margins. With whom is God asking you to align yourself? In whose corner are you being called to stand? Are you ready?
Session 3: Upend the tables
The biblical story is filled with characters who challenged unjust systems, took action that turned societal norms upside down and spoke truth to power. What counter- cultural, justice-making actions are you being called to take? Are you ready?