I don’t have a cat. I never thought they were interesting. The only time I found cats interesting was when I would visit my sister when she lived in Cairo, Egypt. Cats roamed everywhere in Cairo–they sat on back steps and up on balconies like they were pigeons in the city! And you couldn’t complain, really, because you didn’t find many rodents anywhere. So they proved very useful. At least in that context. But besides that, what’s so great about cats? (Cats are also linked unfortunately to one of the worst Broadway musicals EVER. But I won’t even get into that.)
Though my feelings about cats have not changed, I did find I had to be careful (and still do) when I came to work here because I am surrounded by women who have cats! I always think twice if I want to make a disparaging comment about cats and cat owners. One cat owner I know even has a Facebook page for her cat. I’m better off making fun of dogs, since at least 5 Women of the ELCA staff have cats, and only one has dogs. (Another has both a cat and a dog, and a guinea pig–don’t know what to make of that.)
And when I meet you, the women of this organization as I travel, I find that a lot of you have cats. So I’m wondering … is their some connection between Lutheran women and cats? Or are the Lutheran women dog owners out there just being under-counted?
How about you–cat, dog, something else, or none of the above?