As we approach the end of the year it would seem that the “hustle and bustle” and business in general would also slow down, to an end at least a bit. But with the holidays, it seems that I just get busier and busier, and I find myself not having enough time to accomplish all that I want to do. My list of things to do gets longer, and unlike Santa, I can’t seem to check things off my list fast enough let alone check them twice! When buying gifts, decorating the tree or planning a party, I find myself wanting things to be perfect. I can’t help but think, “Did I do enough?”
A few weeks ago I was fighting a cold, but I kept pushing myself, at home and at work, until my body just gave into the flu I was trying to fight. I was forced to stay home for one week. During that time of recuperation I was able to sit back and just “be.”
While I was out of the office, I was able to check my email and came across the December issue of Café with “Overdoing It for Christmas” by Angie Buckley. It could not have come at a better time. After reading it, I realized that not only can we find ourselves overdoing it when purchasing gifts, but we can also overdo it when worrying about those things that are really not as important as we make them.
Now that Christmas is around the corner and my vacation time is about to begin, I have decided not to make any lists. I will enjoy my time and just “be.” I will focus on what is really important and not worry about those things that really do not matter. Enough is enough!
When is enough really enough? When you accept that you have done the best you can and it works for you.
Gabriela Contreras, director of meeting planning, is an inveterate maker of lists.