“GCB,” a new comedy-drama television series created and written by Robert Harling, based on a book by Kim Gatlin, aired a week ago Sunday on ABC after much controversy, two name changes of its working title and threats from many Christian organizations. Those organizations believe the name, as well as the show, is demeaning toward Christianity, while some advocates for women found it problematic to use the B-word to refer to women. Somehow using the simple acronym GCB was enough to quiet both groups, even though ABC refers to the B-word in much of the promo materials for the show. I guess we will have to be content with mumbling our disgust over lunch with other women.
Are we so concerned with being politically correct that we can’t take a stand? Are we so afraid of being labeled whiners that we can’t articulate how wrong this is? How will we explain to a little girl or boy for that matter what the B-word means or better yet a good Christian one?
I had a depressing conversation recently about this with a friend (50ish) and her daughters (22 and 16). My friend and I grew up during the height of the feminist and civil rights movements, when speaking out for humankind was a good thing. Both girls said we were making a big deal out of nothing. Then I asked the question, “Have you ever been called the B-word?” In a very matter-of-fact tone the sixteen year old said, “yep, it’s no big deal.” My friend blurted out, “by a boy?” She answered “yes” and her sister added, “girls too!” My friend cried.
Women could shut this program down with one day of e-mails and phone calls. Kraft pulled its Philadelphia Cream Cheese ads after one episode. Money talks. Why haven’t we?
Valora K Starr is director for discipleship.