Several women wrote to tell us how they celebrated Bold Women’s Day on Feb. 25, 2017. Bold Women’s Day—observed annually on the fourth Sunday of February—celebrates all Lutheran women who have acted or are acting boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. While it is observed in February, you can celebrate it anytime. What did you do on Bold Women’s Day? Please include your answers in the comment section below.
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Loganville, Wisconsin
The women at St. Peter’s Loganville, Wis., celebrated Bold Women’s Sunday (Feb. 25) for the first time, “and it was wonderful,” said Carolyn Meyer, education secretary at the church.
The program included a PowerPoint of the women at St. Peter’s who were the “first to do something,” she said.
Some of those included: the first president of the newly formed Ladies Aid Society in 1910, the first women Sunday school teachers in 1928, the first woman to join the Armed Forces from the church (1944), the first woman junior and senior choir director (1950), the first woman janitor at the church (1960), first woman to teach a confirmation and Bible history class (1965), and first woman Sunday school assistant superintendent (1965).
In 1968, women’s right to vote in the church failed, but passed two years later in 1970.
Other firsts included the first woman church secretary (1970), the first woman council secretary (1977), first woman organist (1980), the first woman council treasurer (1984) and financial secretary (1985), the first woman council president (1992),
Tammy Craker, the first woman to be ordained a pastor from St. Peter’s (2010), read a message.
“We had women ushers, readers and young girls as acolytes,” Carolyn said. They used the Bold Women litany download from Women of the ELCA website and sang the hymn “All the Faithful Women.”
“Our highlight was an all-women choir,” Carolyn said. “We dusted off the choir robes, sang and swayed to “We Will Follow Him” from Sister Act. We even received a standing ovation.” You can see the performance here:
The Rio Salado Conference of the Grand Canyon SWO
The Rio Salado Conference of the Grand Canyon synodical women’s organization used the theme Finding Your Bold! at its spring gathering Saturday, Feb. 24.
Held at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Mesa, Ariz., the gathering used Bold Women’s Day resources.
Keynote speaker Jean Bradford (a.k.a. Katie Luther) shared her story about her life with Martin Luther. The Rev. Tina Mills, pastor of Celebration Lutheran Church, Phoenix, offered a Bible study about being a bold woman. And the Rev. Deborah Hutterer, pastor of Love of Christ Lutheran Church, Mesa, spoke about the Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program, sponsored by Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest, in which many Rio Salado churches participate.
The women also had the opportunity to break into small groups and take the time to Finding Their Bold in Community, Getting to Know One Another’s Bold and a brief discussion.
Submitted by Randi VenHuizen, a member of Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church, Gilbert, Ariz.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Evanston, Wyoming
Women of Trinity Lutheran Church in Evanston, Wyo., celebrated Bold Women’s Day by leading the entire worship service on February 25, according to Holly Moyer. Following worship, the congregation participated in a yarn-toss activity, reflecting on the bold women in their lives.
What did you do on Bold Women’s Day? Please include your answers in the comment section below.
Feature photo of the all-women choir at St. Peter’s Loganville, Wis., performing on Bold Women’s Day.
What a great Bold Women’s Day, Carol. Thanks for sharing.
At French River Lutheran Church outside of Duluth, Minnesota, along the north shore of Lake Superior, we have always celebrated Bold Women Sunday. Of course we have women lectors and ushers, and we usually have a skit of some kind. This year a ‘Roving Reporter’ went to various women in the congregation and asked questions about the group they either lead or take part in. We had volunteers from CHUM – who distribute food boxes on a weekly basis; our local WELCA group telling about the monthly Bible Study; a bell choir member; a knitter from our Threads of Love group; the team leader from the Days for Girls program; a member of the French River Readers Book Club; a quilter from our Scrap Happy Quilters group; and the Sunshine Committee, who send greeting cards to our home-bound members. We talked about the local, national and overseas causes we support: Lutheran Social Services Center for Changing Lives, Smile Train, and PV for Phebe.