It is ridiculous that people die from malnutrition and hunger! It is a sin against the Creator, creation and our own souls! When I read that approximately 40% of the food we purchase in the U.S. is thrown away and line that up alongside the reality of hungry and malnourished and undernourished people here in the U.S. and around the world, I want to put on the ash cloth, I want to leave my comforts, find a fire ring by which to sit and make porridge for the children. I weep. Only grace keeps me from falling away.
Please do not forget to give to ELCA’s World Hunger program. ELCA World Hunger is uniquely positioned to make a difference and you, reading this blog, are also uniquely positioned to write a check to ELCA World Hunger on a monthly basis! Set it up to come out of your checking account. It doesn’t have to be a whole lot. You can become a monthly partner for as little as $10 a month. That is two of those fancy coffee drinks! Every time we feed the hungry, we feed Jesus.
Maybe you, like I, gave Good Gifts this Christmas? Well, guess what? Every time you or I give from our plentiful blessings so that a young school girl can go to school, it is a Good Gift! Every mosquito net counts. The micro-loans lift people up out of poverty. A pig or goat can change lives! Water wells transform communities!
Just as God provides for us in every season of our lives, may we remember to provide for people in need in every season, too! Thank you for what you have given. Thank you for what you have yet to give.
Inez Torres Davis is director for justice.
Photo by Mr. Kris. Used with permission.