It’s the season of graduations. It’s expected to happen every May and June. What’s not expected were the emotions I felt during church the Sunday the graduates were honored. One needs to understand that I have been at this congregation for 12 years. I taught these kids in Sunday school, helped with Christmas programs, was awed at their musical abilities during the annual children’s musical, was present at their first acolyte experiences, heard their statements of faith at their confirmation, joked about their driving and now was attending their graduates breakfast and worship service.
I found myself in tears and totally felt astounded at the depth of my emotions. Our church was invested in these young adults and came out to honor them and their vast achievements. I was so proud of them. I felt the wave and flow of happiness and sadness at their eagerness to go out into the world. I felt sadness that this part of their lives was completed. None of these kids were even mine! But as they sang a blessing to us and then the pastor blessed them, I cried with the best of them!
As Psalm 71 reads: “For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O Lord, from my youth…my praise is continually of you…you are my strong refuge.” May God bless them.
As I attend the various graduation parties and talk some more to these special graduates, I want them to know that I will keep them in my heart. I promise to encourage and pray for them. My life is forever changed because of these children of God.
How have young people changed your lives?
Diane Frederick lives in Oak Park Heights, Minn. and is serving a second term on the churchwide executive board.