Good stewardship means not only taking care of the financial resources God has entrusted to us, but also taking care of the organization God has entrusted to us: Women of the ELCA.
One good way to do that is to keep an eye open for potential leaders—and then to encourage them. Invite them to consider serving in a leadership role. Ask if they would be open to serving on your synodical or churchwide board, and if they say yes, nominate them for that role. (The same thing applies if we see a potential leader in the mirror. Are you willing and able to serve?)
[bctt tweet=”From now until Nov. 30, you can nominate someone to serve on the churchwide executive board. ” username=”womenoftheelca”]
From now until Nov. 30, you can nominate someone to serve on the churchwide executive board. The nominating committee will consider nominations for secretary, treasurer and board members. Do you know someone who would be good in that role? How about you? You can nominate yourself as long as someone from your unit or a voting member-elect seconds your nomination by filling in the second part of the form.
Many of us were brought up to be humble and modest and not to draw attention to ourselves, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But good stewardship of our beloved organization calls for good women who are willing and able to serve, whether they feel “deserving” or not, to do something that might be out of character and make themselves known.
Are you willing? Are you able? Will you serve? Our organization needs good stewards to care for it so that we can hand it on to the next generation in good shape. Your women’s organization needs you.
Learn more and get the nominating form here.
Audrey Riley is director for stewardship for Women of the ELCA.
Photo by Jim Veneman: The churchwide executive board for the 2014-2017 triennium elected at the 2014 Ninth Triennial Convention.