I would like to tell you about a wonderful woman I know. We each may have such a person in our lives. This woman made many trips to church each week checking on arrangements for meetings, lining up food, changing the women’s bulletin board and sign-up sheets. She rarely missed worship and sat in the same pew with the “other single ladies.” A big part of her life was involved in Women of the ELCA activities; she served on the synodical women’s organization board, cluster planning committee, coordinator of the women’s group in her church, global mission companion to Tanzania with Women of the ELCA and did much advocacy work on human trafficking. She studied the Bible and enjoyed her Bible study group.
All of us probably know a woman much like her. We only need to look around and see that our churches and lives are full of wonderful, loving, gracious, outspoken and faithful women. She was a woman who strived to be faithful to God while she lived out her calling and acted boldly on her faith in Jesus Christ and invited others to do the same.
I give thanks for this woman. I love her dearly. On Sunday my friend went to be with Jesus. I encourage you to thank and honor the women in your lives. One way of giving thanks is to contribute to Katie’s Fund in honor or in memory of the women in your lives who have led you on your spiritual path. My friend shared her faith to many and by doing so led others to find purpose and direction. We’re hoping to grow Katie’s Fund to $1 million dollars by next July at the triennial gathering. What better way to thank or honor a woman in your life?