
Wanda Frenchman

Wanda is currently a student at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in the new TEIL (Theological Education for Indigenous Leaders) Program, with the hopes of taking over leadership for NAUM. She is a Mission Developer and Fund for Leaders Mission Developer Scholarship winner in 2021.

She has a twin sister, Yolanda and is the daughter to ELCA Pastor Mary Louise Frenchman.

Wanda works as a Research Coordinator for the Urbane Study for Native Elders-Risk & Protective Factors for Brain Health. She has served on the Grand Canyon Synod WELCA Board and has started a Native WELCA bible study at NAUM.

Her personal passions include playing competitive billiards, doing yoga, camping, traveling, bible study and attending Native American powwows and ceremonies.

She is co-presenting the workshop, Talking Circle with Native American Urban Ministry