The Rev. Viviane Thomas-Breitfeld
Pastor Thomas-Breitfeld has served parishes in Milwaukee, its suburbs and Beloit, Wisconsin, served as Interim Campus pastor at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee and Bishop of the South-Central Synod of Wisconsin. Trained in Intentional Interim Ministry, she has served in that call for the Greater Milwaukee, the South-Central, and the Southeastern Pennsylvania synods. She is presently serving as pastor of two congregations in re-development: Luther Memorial LC in West Allis and Central United Methodist Church in Milwaukee.
In addition to pastoral ministry, Pastor Thomas-Breitfeld served the churchwide expression as a Board member for the Board of Pensions (LCA), Board of Clergy Women of Color, Trustee for the Mission Investment Fund (twice) and co-chair of the Task Force on Women and Justice which developed Faith, Sexism and Justice: A Call to Action, the social statement adopted at the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assxembly. She also served on the Executive Board of Women of the ELCA.
Pastor Thomas-Breitfeld is passionately Anti-Racist, cognizant of various intersections, having served on Racial Justice teams in two synods. She has been an invited preacher and teacher for many groups in the church, including Luther Seminary. She believes it is vital for the church to remember our baptism—that water is thicker than blood and we are called to mission, always making God our primary focus in this life. She takes seriously the constitutional call, in †S14.12.a. that frames the role of every minister of Word and Sacrament including that they shall “7) witness to the Kingdom of God in the community, in the nation and abroad; and 8) to speak publicly to the world in solidarity with the poor and oppressed, calling for justice and proclaiming God’s love for the world.” She believes clinging to God and loving all God’s people is the role of the ordained to lead us all into beloved community.
She is co-presenting the workshop,Spotlight with Authors of Call to Allyship: Preparing Your Congregation for Leaders of Color
Rebecca Jorgenson Sundquist
Ms. Sundquist has been responsible for raising funds for Norway House since its founding in 2004, including working with the Minnesota Legislature in securing $10 million in bonding support. Prior employment includes serving as a major gift officer for Lutheran Social Service of MN and as Director of Stewardship, Development & Marketing for Central Lutheran Church, downtown Minneapolis. Active in The Junior League of Minneapolis and WAMSO, Sundquist is the founder and executive director of the local venture capital non-profit Hats & Mittens as well as the founder of City of Bells. Sundquist has served on several community boards and is a member of Central Lutheran Church and Saint Philip the Deacon Lutheran. She and her husband have four adult children, eight grandchildren and reside in Minnetonka, Minnesota.
She is co-presenting the workshop, Gathering our hopes and dreams through Katie’s Fund
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