Recently I was asked the question, “What excites you about the work you are involved in?” I am not asked this question every day, so it got me thinking.
I love to receive phone calls from women who are interested in starting a unit of Women of the ELCA and want the latest resources to share as they begin organizing. It’s also exciting to receive phone calls from women planning their spring gatherings, retreats and synodical conventions. I can hear their excitement as they describe the opportunity to serve and make a difference aided by our resources.
Getting involved with our organization requires a commitment to the mission and purpose statement. My daily conversations are speaking to women that want to know more about Women of the ELCA or are interested in starting a unit. I begin with offering a welcome packet and introducing them to our resources. The mission of the organization keeps me focused and excited.
Mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ
For 25 years women have used the Bible study in Gather, a magazine for growth in faith and action, and other resources to help them live out the mission. Some of my favorite resources can be found in the “Featured Resource” on our homepage. You can visit and find a resource you love, too. We offer free downloadable resources that can help you in your unit or can be studied individually. Are you connected with Women of the ELCA? You can get excited, too!
Eva James Yeo is Women of the ELCA director for membership.