My life has recently taken a turn for the bizarre. Spoiler alert: Me, a tomboy, bought a pair of “jeggings” (jeans + leggings) at the insistence of the salesclerk—uh, stylist.
I walked passed the clothing store on the way to the gym–so in my sweats and t-shirt–and thought I would slip in to buy a jacket I needed for an upcoming wedding. The prices weren’t exorbitant, so I shopped around, unnoticed in my unfashionable clothing.
And then BAM, it happened. Denise discovered me. I pointed out the jacket I was interested in. Yes, that was fine, but so is this and this and this. She swooped around the store, gathering articles of clothing I would probably never wear.
Then it happened. “I’ve got to get you into these,” Denise exclaimed, holding up a pair of the skinniest denim pants I’ve ever seen.
“Oh, no,” I said. “I’m not wearing those. Look here,” I pointed to my thighs and belly. “Oh, that doesn’t matter,” said the svelte Denise.
Also, she was planning to sell me a long top to wear over them.
“No, no, no,” I argued as, despondent, I trodded back to the dressing room and heaved on this pair of denim tights.
I emerged from the dressing room looking just. like. someone else. Sucked in by a pair of jeans that looked like the support hose my mother wears.
“Oh, my gosh,” she exclaimed. “Those are adorable. They take 10 pounds off you.”
If only. I wish I had known dieting was that easy. I don’t have to give up tater tots, fried shrimp or wine after all. Just tug on a pair of jeggings.
You might have read posts by us before about leggings. We told people, “Don’t try to be someone you’re not.” That’s reasonable. But then how do you grow?
I left that store much poorer in finances, but richer in experience. My comfort zone was breached—well, battered. But I need a style upgrade.
What will you try that takes you out of your comfort zone? How will you be #allanew?
Terri Lackey is director for communication for Women of the ELCA. FYI: Two years later those jeggings still have the pricetag on them.