So today is my 23rd birthday [waits for applause] and I couldn’t be more excited! I’m so excited that I was curious to find out any and every historical moment that happened on January 16th. My mom already told me the day I was born the Coalition Forces went to war with Iraq, beginning the Gulf War but I wanted to know more so I Googled January 16.
According to Wikipedia, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus was granted the title Augustus by the Roman Senate, marking the beginning of the Roman Empire on this day in 27B.C. Same day again but in 1492, the first grammar of the Spanish language was presented to Queen Isabella I. The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, establishing the United States Civil Service, was passed in 1883 on this day. And the list goes on. As informative as it all sounds, I still wanted to learn more about my birthday, hoping to feel special.
So I went to the Bible to find a verse related to the celebration of birthdays and came across this verse: “All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:16b, NIV) Our omniscient God knows the end from the beginning, and vice versa. Throughout the Bible, God’s all-knowing wisdom is demonstrated and celebrated. In this psalm, King David recognizes the Lord’s daily and active involvement in his own life. He understands that God holds each of his days within His power and grace.
After all the research and reading I did led me to believe one thing, my birthday is a historical and significant day because God chose to let me live, protect me, forgive me and that’s every day I’ve been living. There’s no need to make a birthday wish because God knows my desires and everything I have, everyone I know. I am where I am because of God’s love and that’s a gift that keeps on giving. Thank you God.
Lidia Brown is an intern with Women of the ELCA.
Photo by Will Clayton. Used with permission.