The newly elected officers of the executive board, l-r, Patti Austin, president; Jody Smiley, vice president; Becky Shurson, secretary; and Ely Smith, treasurer, are presented for installation by the presiding bishop. |
Bishop installs officers, board
CHARLOTTE, N.C. –The newly elected officers and executive board members of Women of the ELCA were installed July 24 during the closing service of the Ninth Triennial Convention of Women of the ELCA, which met at the Charlotte Convention Center here July 22-24. The installation began with a reading from Romans 12:5 by ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton.
“As in one body we have many members and not all the members have the same function, so we who are many are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another,” read Eaton. “We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, prophecy in proportion to faith, ministry in ministering, the teacher in teaching, the exhorter in exhortation, the giver in generosity, the leader in diligence, the compassionate in cheerfulness.”
This reading was meant for the newly elected officers and board members as their different skills and knowledge will lead the Women of the ELCA for the next three years. More than 360 delegates representing 64 synodical women’s organizations elected new officers and board members.
“Sisters in Christ, after prayerful deliberations, you have been chosen for leadership responsibilities in the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,” said Linda Post Bushkofsky, executive director of Women of the ELCA. “We rejoice in the gifts God has given you and in your willingness to offer them in this service.”
The newly elected board members and officers accepted the expectations of them from the Women of the ELCA, which includes a willingness to continue in their growth in faith, encourage others to offer their talents, seek to lead this organization’s ministry in action, responsibility for the financial and constitutional order of the Women of the ELCA churchwide organization. Once all responsibilities had been accepted by the new board members and officers, they were declared installed.
“I now declare you installed as Officers and Executive Board members of the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” said Eaton.
Patti Austin from Decatur, Ga., was elected as the organization’s executive board president. Jody Smiley, a member of St. Michael Lutheran in Blacksburg, Va., was elected vice president; Becky Shurson a member of Faith Lutheran in Yucaipa, Calif., was elected secretary; Ely Smith, a member of Trinity Lutheran in Parkland, Wash., was elected treasurer, along with the 17 members of the executive board.
With the welcoming of the newly elected officers and board members, comes saying goodbye to the current officers and board members who were also recognized and thanked for their time of service.
“Today it is our privilege to give thanks for those who are completing their time of service as members of the Churchwide Executive Board of Women of the ELCA,” said Post Bushkofsky. “Sisters, you have served thoughtfully, graciously, and with diligence, offering strategic leadership to the entire women’s organization. We offer our gratitude for the wisdom and compassion you have given so generously to us through your work in Women of the ELCA.”
The delegates in the audience gave these outgoing board members and officers a standing ovation for their time and dedication given to the organization as their terms came to an end.
Provided by ELCA News Service