You have a few days–until November 30–to nominate capable leaders to serve this organization.
Women of the ELCA is seeking leaders that are willing and able to help steer the organization in its future direction. You can nominate someone you know who would make a good leader for secretary, treasurer, or board member. Maybe that person is you! You can find the information about serving on the churchwide executive board and the election process in the Frequently Asked Questions section. The positions summary is also there.
Prayerfully consider nominating a woman who will bring her passion for this organization to our community.
Voting members of the Eleventh Triennial Convention will elect four officers and 17 women to serve on the churchwide executive board for the 2020-2023 triennium. The president and vice president are elected at the convention by nominating ballot, and no advance nominations are needed for these two positions.
The nominating committee will receive nominations for secretary, treasurer, and board members between until November 30, 2019. You will find the form on Women of the ELCA’s website under Tools for Leaders/Eleventh Triennial Convention/Nominations. Or click here.
The report of the nominating committee appears in the “Convention Program and Report” mailed to every voting member. Nominations are accepted on the floor of the convention as well.
The Eleventh Triennial Convention is set July 13-16, 2020, in Phoenix, Arizona.
Eva James Yeo is director of membership for Women of the ELCA. The feature photo is friends congratulating Lisa Plorin who was elected president of the churchwide organization in 2017.