What would you say if someone asked you why you care about Women of the ELCA? I mean, clearly, you do. You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t. But why do you care? What makes you care enough to spend your precious time and thought and energy with the women’s ministry of the church?
What one thing would you say to someone who asked you that question?
Thinking about why we care about something leads to our being able to tell others why we care. And that’s what draws people to come and discover something they can care about too.
As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world. (Women of the ELCA Purpose Statement)
Okay, I’ll go first.
Here’s one thing I’d tell someone who asked me why I care about Women of the ELCA: Because here I find companions on my faith journey, companions who affirm the way I live my faith, even if their way of living their faith is different than mine. And now, during this time of physical distancing, we need our companions more than ever, don’t we?
For me, I find deep satisfaction in the rituals that have been part of worship for centuries, and my companions at church help me celebrate that, if now only virtually. Yes, I confess, I’m a liturgy nerd. One of my companions on the journey finds her bliss in advocacy and inspiring others to service. Yes, she cheerfully says, she’s a justice junkie. We live our faith in different ways, but together, we affirm and enrich each other’s growth in faith.
That’s one reason I care about Women of the ELCA. Now it’s your turn! What’s one reason you care about Women of the ELCA?
Audrey Novak Riley is director for Stewardship and for Women of the ELCA.
Feature photo by Elizabeth McBride on National Quilting Day
Thank you!
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Women of the ELCA
c/o ELCA Gift Processing Center
P.O. Box 1809
Merrifield VA 22116-8009.