It’s time to plan for the new program year! Take the opportunity to evaluate your model for mission as you help women live out our 2017 triennial gathering theme of All Anew.
Consider the questions: How do we get started? What can we do to inspire more women to become involved in the organization we love? How can we make a difference together?
You can get started by evaluating your ministries. Discuss how you can build on the strengths of your congregational unit and synodical women’s organization. Survey women who are involved in the organization and find out why they continue to come. Ask women who are not involved in your women’s ministry what interests them and what it would take for them to participate.
Our speakers and preachers from the Tenth Triennial Gathering gave us more than enough inspiration to live out the All Anew theme. They challenged us to be holy troublemakers. Our purpose statement and mission are a testament to how we live out our call to be bold women. Let’s continue to embrace the process of being All Anew.
As you plan, share information on our work to end human trafficking and other actions taken at the Tenth Triennial Convention. Include several of these actions in your planning and stay connected to Women of the ELCA’s latest news through our website and social media. Sign up for Bold Connections e-newsletter to get monthly news.
Here are four ways you can plan for the new program year:
Start with prayer
Remember we are a community that prays and takes action.
Evaluate your model for mission
Download and read Six Models for Mission to evaluate your model for ministry. Involve women in your group using Gather’s Bible studies and articles and by reading Café, our online magazine for young adult women who want to growin faith. Select and download our free program resources, many of which are offered in both Spanish and English.
Start by inviting all women in your church and community. Reach out to women you have not previously contacted or who you have not seen at your meetings lately. Make space for new voices and ideas at the planning session and at your events.
Plan a WELCA open house and share how you have been supported on your faith journey by your community of women. Give away Women of the ELCA identity items or subscriptions to Gather magazine. Check our online e-store or call me, Eva, at 773-380-2450 to find out how to order our identity boxes.
Build new relationships
Reach out to women who need prayer or fellowship. Form prayer or quilting circles. Start a book group. Find ways to connect and support one another.
Eva James Yeo is director for membership for Women of the ELCA. Visit our website under the Ministry and Action/Membership tab for more resources.