Logo Licensing Agreement

Please read the following agreement terms carefully before using the Women of the ELCA logo. Use of this logo is expressly subject to and conditioned on your agreement to these terms.

The Women of the ELCA logo is protected under the United States and international Trademark Law. Use of these marks, other than in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement or as otherwise authorized by law, is strictly prohibited.

Any use of the logo that involves the sale of goods or fundraising requires additional, formal permission from the churchwide organization in order to (1) determine whether the criteria outlined below are being met and (2) to approve the graphic representation and use of the logo.

The churchwide organization may grant permission to recognized expressions of the organization to reproduce the logo for fundraising purposes if (1) the fundraising or sale of goods will support that expression’s own mission and ministries, or (2) the fundraising or sale of goods will support the mission and ministries of the churchwide organization (for example, to raise money for Katie’s Fund, grants, scholarships, or the health initiative). Recognized expressions of the organization can be, synodical women’s organizations, congregational, intercongregational, or special units; and clusters or conferences.

Women of the ELCA grants a nonexclusive, non-tranferable license to use the Women of the ELCA logo in accordance with the following guidelines:

1. Users agree not to revise or alter the logo in any way. Our three-color logo consists of black, white and blue (PMS 308). The lily and waves in the cross must be white. No other colors may be substituted. If reproducing the logo in grayscale, or black and white, please use the black and white versions below.

2. Use of the Women of the ELCA logo does not imply approval or endorsement of products or services.

3. Women of the ELCA is and remains the sole owner of the Women of the ELCA logo. By entering into this nonexclusive license, the user does not attain any interest in the logo.

4. Women of the ELCA reserves the right to alter or amend these guidelines at any time and without notice to the user.

5. Permission is never granted to individuals who wish to reproduce the logo on items that will be sold for personal profit.

6. Users agree not to the use the Women of the ELCA logo in any manner likely to confuse, mislead, or deceive the public, or to be adverse to the best interests of the Women of the ELCA.

7. Users agree that the Women of the ELCA logo is proprietary to the Women of the ELCA and that Women of the ELCA maintains all rights, title, and interest thereto including, without limitation, all intellectual property and other proprietary rights.



For use in print:
Download high-resolution logo in color (Right click on the links below to download the file.)
English    PDF  |  JPEG
En español   PDF  |  JPEG

Download high-resolution logo in black and white (Right click on the links below to download the file.)
English    PDF JPEG
En español   PDF  | JPEG

For use on websites or electronic communication:
Download low-resolution logo in color.
English    JPEG
En españo JPEG

Any questions, requests or file formats that differ from the above should be directed to Elizabeth McBride 800-638-3522, ext. 2745, or  [email protected]