Ways to support your campus WELCA group

As an active campus unit of Women of the ELCA, you are invited to support the ongoing ministries of the churchwide expression of Women of the ELCA.

Here are some ways your group can do that.

Regular Offerings: Whenever women come together as a WELCA group, whether for Bible study, an event, a retreat, or anything else, it is customary for those in attendance to make a free-will offering. That’s a good idea for a campus WELCA group, too.

These Regular Offerings support your group’s ministries and those of the other expressions of the women’s organization – because we’re all in this together! Your unit keeps half of the offering and forwards the other half to the synodical women’s organization in your area. (In turn, the synodical women’s organization keeps half for their ministries and forwards half to the churchwide women’s organization. Interdependent!) We can give you all the info on how to do that.

Thankofferings: A Thankoffering is a tangible way to give thanks for blessings received. These offerings are often given during a special worship service in the fall, but you can hold a Thankoffering service any time. Learn more here. These offerings are forwarded directly to the churchwide expression of Women of the ELCA.

It’s important for an active campus WELCA group to be able to cover your unit’s own expenses – which is the purpose of Regular Offerings. You might also decide to do a fundraiser on campus and raise money for a retreat or to attend an event.

Likewise, you might decide to raise funds for another women’s organization in your community. Many congregational units across the U.S. and the Caribbean support local organizations that work for the health and wellness of women and girls. You are encouraged to do that — but please remember to share your Regular Offerings with your synodical and churchwide expressions of WELCA. That’s what makes it possible for these expressions of the women’s organization to support you with information, guidance, resources, and programs. Thank you for your generosity!