Summer issue of Interchange is available
The summer issue of Interchange should be in your church or home mailbox by now. Interchange is mailed to every ELCA congregation so please check with your church administrator to see if it arrived.
In the summer issue you will find articles about:
- The shawls you sent to the triennial gathering
- What WELCA is doing at the youth gathering
- The search for triennial gathering promoters
- April executive board meeting report
- Four steps to become an active unit
- Six ways to connect with women in college
- Run, Walk & Roll seed grant information
- How to give regularly like one board member
- A possible immersion experience in Philadelphia
- SWO calendar of events through September
Interchange is Women of the ELCA’s leadership newsletter for leaders in congregational units, synodical organizations, and clusters and conferences. It contains organizational news, new resource information, programmatic updates, and more. Leaders are encouraged to share the contents with all the women in their group.
You can also download Interchange from our website and share it with others. Interchange is also available in Spanish.