It’s hard to leave one job that you have loved and say goodbye to the people you have worked with that you truly enjoyed. Accepting a new opportunity is both exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time, isn’t it? And how do you know the decision you’ve made will be the right one? And how do you know it’s the right time?
Well, there’s never a perfect decision or a perfect time but I think there are seasons of change and as we move into the season of fall and the leaves are changing and the air is cooling, this can be a time to move into another season of a career. We can’t stay in one place forever. I hope to bring something new to where I am headed. And likewise, someone new is going to come to Women of the ELCA bringing her own unique experiences and ideas to a job that is, I believe challenging, rewarding, supportive and yes, hope-filled.
Transitions can provoke anxiety but they can also provide new perspectives and new energy. How do you feel about transitions?
Emily Hansen is, until October 12, the director for stewardship and development with Women of the ELCA.