When this time of year rolls around, the children are back in school, the weather is beginning to get cold and the holiday season is right around the corner.
As I think about all the seasonal activities that are going on, I am also reminded of the all the holiday meals.
Thanksgiving, Christmas and finally New Year’s Day are big family holidays. I begin to get excited when I think of all the good eating coming my way: turkey, dressing, sweet potato pies and cakes. Yum!
After that comes the frustration of knowing I will probably over indulge.
It never fails: thoughts of my weight weigh me down. Every year, I struggle with this same issue. And I always think that I should have done something about my weight earlier in the year. But I didn’t.
Eating shouldn’t be my focal point, getting healthy should my priority and a way of life. I do realize that it is up to me to stay focused and do what I need to do for my health and the important people in my life that I want to be around for.
What helps keep you on track during the holidays or any day?
Vanessa Davis is the administrative assistant on the churchwide staff of Women of the ELCA.