Since my husband, a pastor, recently received the surprising diagnosis of lung cancer (without ever having smoked) with metastasis to the brain, we have been reminded many times each day of the blessings our Lord has given us. Through our doctors and nurses, we have been given hope, counsel, care and honor. The blessings of prayers that are being lifted up all around the country and in person help us feel surrounded by the community of believers. The blessings of family are brought closer with the kindnesses of driving, preparing food, cleaning and traveling as they visit and shower us with love. The list goes on.
- We are blessed in creating new memories, like when our six-year-old grandson had an afternoon with Grandpa, borrowing my power chair and going to the park and a nearby McDonald’s for cocoa to warm up.
- The power of friendship where a friend drove four hours to show support and love, made us ever so thankful.
- Hundreds of cards and messages sharing remarkable Bible passages and faith statements allow our congregations, present and past, along with friends and acquaintances to minister to us.
- The thoughtful gifts of food which have been prepared with love have made us thankful.
- The chance to meet others at the hospital, during treatment, in waiting rooms and casual settings where care and hope have been extended allow us to reach out in compassion and offer a witness to the love of God.
- We are blessed by insurance that picked up a monthly medication costing $6,000 with only a co-pay of $43.00!
- We are blessed by neighbors and friends who willingly drive us to radiation, doctor’s appointments, hospitals and stores.
God has been put in the center of our lives to remind us many times each day that we are loved. We are children of God who daily come before our gracious, loving God with prayers of thanksgiving. Our lives have centered on our ministry for over 35 years, and all we can say is “We are blessed and ever so thankful!”
So, what blessings in your life bring you to give thanks?
Diane Frederick and her husband Ed live in Oak Park Heights, Minn. Diane is serving a second term on the churchwide executive board.
Photo by Jeffrey Turner. Used with permission.