These past few months have been quite the roller coaster ride. It’s hard to believe the election is almost over. I hope you’ve all made the commitment to vote and let your voice be heard.
Whether my candidate wins or not, I can feel good in knowing that I participated in the process. I don’t take this lightly. Voting is my right. It is a privilege.
And it’s not just the presidential election that matters. When we cast our vote for our local officials we have the opportunity to impact the community around us.
I know there are some who believe that church and state should not mix. But as Christians, we are called to be political. As Christians, we are called to be change agents for the church, the society and the world.
Let your voice be heard. Get out and vote!
This message is an excerpt from a Nov. 5, 2012, Women of the ELCA blog by Deborah Calvert.
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