We have to recognize that in the command of Jesus is the belief that we are worthy to tell this story. Bumbling, scared, confused and overwhelmed disciples that we are, we join a company of folks that have been stumbling their way through telling God’s story for a very long time. And God chooses us over and over, no matter how good (or not) we are at telling. Jesus doesn’t show any fear in investing this great responsibility in the disciples or in us. The fear is not God’s, it is ours, and that means God gives us the gifts to tell the story as it needs to be told. Knowing that the One who rose from the tomb, who set the stars in the heavens and continues to be present with us even now, has chosen us to speak words of grace to a world that desperately needs to hear such a message ought to fill us with joy!
This message is adapted from “Go and Tell” written by Brooke Petersen in the May 2012 issue of Gather magazine.