How do we enjoy the Christmas season without overdoing it? How do we celebrate God’s gift of abundant life appropriately?
My mantra this season: “Make sure there’s room for the Baby.” I intend to gauge whether or not I need another cookie or cup of eggnog by whether or not I am actually savoring the experience. I hope to cut off spending on gifts when there is no more money allotted for them. I want to say no to invitations when I feel exhausted.
I want to sing more carols and light more candles. I want more silent nights. I want to listen to the Marys and Josephs of our time— those who feel neglected, with no safe place to go.
If my manger is too full, I fear that Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, will once again be left looking for a place that has accommodations for them. I want to make sure that whatever else fills my time, body, and spirit, I am keeping space for Jesus to show up.
This message is excerpted from “Making room for baby Jesus” by Susan Schneider from the November 27, 2018, Cafe online magazine faith reflection.
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