Whenever I engage with Scripture, I cannot help but notice that God always chooses a side—and that side is always with the marginalized and oppressed. That side is with the poor.
But the word poor does not exist in a vacuum. To be poor means that someone must be rich.
To be poor is to be denied full personhood—the person God created you to be in the fullness of imago dei (the image of God).
God created us, along with a wealth of abundance. Yet the powers of this world would scare us into scarcity, encouraging those in power to hoard wealth and privilege, creating dire need for those on the margins. As followers of God, our call is to side with the poor (Luke 4:18-19).
The message is an excerpt from “God chooses a side…and calls us to do the same” by Tuhina Verma Rasche in the April 2020 issue of Gather magazine.
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