Winter is a season of miracles, perhaps because the earth is so still. At this time of year, miracles come in everyday forms—meals, outings, stories, gatherings, gestures of generosity, hope. Much around us would distract us from the reality of this season. We hardly ever rest as the earth is doing. In an effort to make the season come, we can crowd out the miracles with lists of things to do. We may try to make everyday things extraordinary—the best Christmas dinner, a superbly decorated home, the perfect gift, the finest party.
But God calls us to live deeply into this season and wait and look and listen. God bids us let the season unfold, rather than forcing it. God presents us with the story and the promise and invites us to let them wash over us.
This message is adapted from “Miracles in Everyday Forms” written by Catherine Malotky in the December 2002 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine.