The biblical prophets had a special calling: to get inside God’s head. God’s concerns became their concerns. Prophets were called to proclaim the good, acceptable and perfect will of God to systems of injustice and unfaithfulness that were in desperate need of renewal.
We, like the prophets, disciples and saints who came before us, have the same calling: to get inside God’s head. The love of Christ transforms our hearts and our minds, so that we, too, can proclaim the good, acceptable and perfect will of God for the sake of our world. The grace we have been shown empowers us to discern God’s hopes and dreams for this world: that all would be clothed and fed, loved and respected; that all would know grace, forgiveness, compassion and dignity.
By grace, we are daily transformed from the inside out. By grace, God blesses us to know God’s will that we might help bring transformation to our world.
This message is an excerpt from “Renewal of Spirit,” a free, downloadable “All Anew” devotional by the Rev. Melissa Bills.
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